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Hearts store emotions, Bhava
Bhava humanizes us,
Makes us empathetic.
You and me carry Bhava with us,
Spread it through different forms.
Some through speech, some through dance and some through writing.

Understanding comes from Bhava
Bhava even makes us wise.
For how would without feelings and emotions would you open your mind?
How would you see the other world?
How would you see the white
When they see black?
Or how would you see their merging?
How would you expand your mind?

The pot which is your heart
Carries a nectar called Bhava.
Don't keep it stagnant always.
Let it flow when needed.
Let it flow like a river,
And let it be a pond too.

Bhava makes you realize the divine.
Makes you see things beyond.
Beyond your understanding.
Let Bhava guide you always
But remember a thing always:
Remember when to tilt the pot
And when to make it stand upright.
Be wise...

Well, with new year, old things need to end too

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Well, with new year, old things need to end too. Bhava has been a very different journey for me as a person.

Initially when I thought of writing a poetry book, I was confused about the name but then Bhava came in my head later out of nowhere.

This book shall always be close to my heart for the emotions, the people, the stories I have shared here. Remnants of my past lifestyle in different places to all the different people I have met are all here.

And I would love to thank all of its readers who read these poems because trust me I thought this was a very stupid idea to write poems (well because I thought I wasn't good at it) and still a major thanks for flooding my notifs with your views and comments. Love you all.

Some of the special readers:
Shivran86  Madhavani  Queen_of_life_Heba  suvachana  akshayathereader  Krishna_premika  KamalaKaanthini 

Love you all... 😊💗

And if this book is read by some future readers then a thank you to you all too for reading all this.

With this, Bhava shall come to an end. Embrace your feelings, feels it and be wise. Let it guide you always.

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