The Mystical Night

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The moon was out of sight

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The moon was out of sight.
I stood beside the window in darkness,
Gazing outside.

What upsurge of energy!
Someone was calling out to me!
The breeze gently fanning my face,
Whispering in my ears,
Trying to deliver a message.

'Look out for the magic outside!'

The stars though a few twinkled
As if ready for mischief,
Giving me directions to follow.
A path to the unknown.

The smell of Jasmine was prevalent.
The dangling branches of the tree swayed in a graceful choreography singing the song of Magic!

Transfixed I stood there as nature talked and danced.
Did I understand what it was saying?
The silent whispers of the night came aloud, ignoring my presence,
Their unwanted visitor.

Or perhaps I was chosen to witness!

In the dead of the night,
A brilliant white coated the ground.
Darkness in light?
Light in darkness?

The branches swayed at a greater speed, the stars changed their positions, the breeze increased its voice!

'Witness the mystical night!'

I spoke a hundred words,
Words which I would have never voiced,
Meanings I would have never deciphered,
Thoughts which I wouldn't have shared.

I bared my soul that night,
The white light increased its intensity.
Nature's music bewitched me!
No one heard it except me.
No one witnessed this except me.

As the great performance ended,
The white light faded,
The stars bid adieu decreasing their shine,
The trees went to sleep
And the breeze slowed down.

Nature smiled at me before going into hiding again.
Gently covering my eyes, persuading me into a deep slumber physically
It had woken my soul!
For the first time I felt alive!

A faint whisper was heard.
'The mystical night.'



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f I tell you the story behind this, the charm would be lost. The night took place day before yesterday.

A suggestion: Next time keep your eyes and ears opened. Perhaps you will hear what nature wants to say

--Smile, spread love and be kind


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