Chapter 26

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3 Choices

Today is the day. When we reach the age of eighteen we are given 3 choices, which changes the way of our life.

Today I turn eighteen. Today I have to make the biggest decision of my life. I dressed up and left for the office of choices.

When I reached there, there were two more people there. I waited in the line. Finally, it was my turn.

I went inside and filled the form with my personal details. I was led into another room. I sat down on the chair there.

"Are you ready?" A robotic voice asked.

"Yes." I said nodding my head.

"Here are your choices."

1. Become a really successful model and influencer.
2. Do a normal job and live a normal life.
3. Die right now.

I was shocked to hear the choices. Die right now? What kind of choice is that? Third one is totally out of the way. The first option sounds the best.  I have decided.

"I choose option 1." I said.

"Are you sure?" It asked again.

"Yes. I am sure. I choose option 1." I said again more firmly.

"Alright, you have selected to become a really successful model and influencer. You can leave now." It said and I was guided out. It wasn't as difficult as I thought it will be.

Five years later

Bitch. Attention seeker. Whore. Slut. Seeing the comments I turned off my phone. Why? Why am I getting all this hate? I am tired of this. I am tired of always being hated on.

I went to my room and grabbed a scarf. I tied it to the ceiling fan. As I did that, I thought that how my life would have been if I had chosen a normal job and life. Would I have been happy? It doesn't matter now.

Then I remembered the third choice. Maybe they knew how I would turn out. That's why they already had that option. I should have chosen that. I laughed at the irony. Those were my last thoughts as I hung myself in my apartment.

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