Chapter 1

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The Story Behind A Scar

Waking up I went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. As I was washing my face, I subconsciously ran a finger through my scar. Just above my eye, going diagonally through my eyebrow. I still remember the day I got this scar.

The day I want to forget about. The day I hope can be erased from my memory forever. The day my nightmares began and ended.

I woke up at dawn when everyone was sleeping. Packing my bag I  left silently for school. I still had two hours to pass before school started.

I laid down on the bench in the park as usual and started reading to pass time. I leave early for school because I don't want to face my father when he wakes up.

After school I ran to my house. Being late would result in getting a punishment I am not at all fond of.

But today was not a lucky day. As I reached home I heard the shouts coming from behind the four walls of my so called home. I started shaking with fear but went inside.

As expected my father was shouting at my mother about money, the root of all our problems. Mom was crying hysterically.

I silently tried to leave the room but as I said it was not a lucky day and my father saw me. He walked towards me and started taking out his anger on me. I endured it as much as I can.

I was a small boy nothing compared to him. Even in his drunken stage he was much more powerful than me, much more stronger than I could ever be.

Just then I heard the small crying of my baby sister coming from the room. Hearing the loud noise hr stopped and started walking towards the room.

I was scared, I didn't want him to hurt my baby sister. She would die in the hands of this monster. I clung to his leg stopping him from going any further, stopping him from destroying the only little angel in my house, the only person I loved along with my mother.

But he dragged me to the room. Afraid, I begged him to stop, to not to hurt her, to let her live.

I had no other option. I ran straight to the kitchen and grabbed the first thing I laid my eyes on. A knife to defend my baby sister. I lunged towards him  and stabbed him in the leg. That stopped him but made him angry.

He grabbed the knife from my hand  and stalked towards me. I was scared but I had achieved the thing I wanted to, I stopped him from hurting my angel. As he walked towards me, I started going backwards and backwards till I felt the wall behind me.

Tears fell down my face. I thought this was it, this is how I was going to die. As he plunged the knife towards me, we both heard a distant siren growing louder and louder. As if it was coming towards me, as if it was coming to my rescue.

My father stopped and dropped the knife but it sliced just above my eye, through my eyebrow. Blood flowed out but I stood there not moving an inch scared of what might happen if I moved.

Two police officers came in grabbed my father and took him with them. A doctor came in and asked me about what happened? How was I feeling? Was I alright or not? But I was too stunned to say anything. I couldn't pay attention to anything.

All I could think was that I was saved. We were saved. He can't hurt us anymore. We are free of that monster after all. I told them to go to my baby sister and see if she was alright or not. They told me not to worry about it that they will take care of it. They told me not to cry that everything is alright.

We were taken to the police station. We gave our statements. There I learnt that my mother was the one who called the police. When he was busy beating me up she did the only thing she could think of and called the police. I was so grateful for that. I was so happy.

My phone rang snapping me out of my thoughts. Seeing the caller ID I smiled and picked up the phone.

"Hey, you are coming to pick me up right? You didn't forget?"

"Ofcourse. I didn't forget. How could I forget my Angel's special day? I will be there in half an hour be ready." I smiled and started to get ready.

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