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“What! I got kicked out again?! What did I even do?” you sighed, watching the notification on your phone as you were sent back home from your match. Rubbing your eyes, the numbers of the clock on the wall opposite you read 11:59.

You reluctantly looked at the screen of your device once more, “Alright… one more round only.”

Scrolling through the matches available for playing, one in particular caught your interest. ‘Among Us’, it read. It was the only server with red underline with it. The peculiar server drew your attention and you chose it out of curiosity. With only a max of 6 people, you could easily finish this round and finally give your eyes the rest they should be getting right now.

Curiousity killed the cat, that was the saying. You made a decision that you would deeply regret later on.

You were somewhat disappointed when nothing in the lobby was different. All the same setting with 5 other people it seemed, beeping noises, familiar thumping of footsteps. The countdown was starting the moment you joined. Your lips perked a little, you didn't need to wait too long for once.

3… 2… 1…

“Wait, what-” at that very last moment the maximum number of player went up to the total of 7 players in a 6 players server. A flash washed your frowning face as your usual coloured character was teleported to the map. You immediately sat up from your comfortable position. ‘Could it be a hacker?’ You stared strangely at the red character announcing your role in the game.

‘There is one impostor among us’

The display screen revealed your character was changed into one simple design, white. You flinched. Your own name was also changed into ‘White’. A quick look around, it seemed like you weren't the only one with the matching name to their color. Red, Orange, Yellow, Purple and Blue seemed to encounter the same problem. You rubbed your eyes once more, an uneasy feeling set in your stomach as your memory played back to you. All the other players' names changed. Unsatisfied about the loss of your identity, your mind forgot about the game as every other crewmates had set off to do their tasks.

You tried moving your newly named character. You flinched when nothing happened. Did you get hacked? Your palms grew sweaty, and you tried to shake your thoughts off. The white character stood still. You tried pressing map, but it didn't pop up how it usually would. The hacker probably froze the game, that was what you told yourself as you exited the game.

Frustrated when that didn't work either, the anxiety in you fueled up as you quickly plugged the phone in to charge. Hopefully the hacker would show you enough mercy to not take away all of your data you thought, as your chest was thumping loudly in your ribcage. Adrenaline rushed through your veins, and your heartbeat eerily mimicked the footsteps sound effects that exaggerated greatly against your ears.

You huffed out, pulling the blanket over yourself, settling in your usual sleeping pose. ‘Calm down,’ you tried telling yourself. Annoyed that you could've played a little bit more, if it wasn't for that hacker. You exhaled, feeling your chest fall. The drowsy eyelids drawn itself over your eyes, taking over your vision.

Machine whirring noises. Footsteps thumping rhythmically against a floor that was seemingly made of metal. The echos rang in your ears like a broken record, repetitive and painfully loud. Mumbling words blurry like the thick mist you were listening to slowly becoming clearer. The sense of consciousness was rudely knocked back into you as you could now made out several words here and there.

“White- wake up.” a girl’s voice was the first thing you recognised. You grunted when the second thing hit you, a bright light was shined directly in your face making you squint in defense.

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