Body report

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“I want to report...” Blue's voice was shaky, she wasn't very good at suppressing her emotion. You watched how her fists clenched, hẻ gloves tightened on the table as her head hung low. She exhaled sharply, “Yellow's dead body. I think everyone had already saw her...”

You fell asleep earlier in security but was woken by the loud siren noise that tore through the air. Your head was numb from the amount of headache you had experienced for the time. Everyone was at the table. You sat to the right of Red, you took a glance at him.

His head was up and looking but he seemed to zone out. The tensed air was contributed of heavy breathing, occasional sniffs from Blue. You looked across the table, Purple was shaking. Although it wasn't from grief like how Blue's shoulders were, but rather agitation. A constant light tapping in the background made by him drew Orange's attention.

“Who did it?” the first to spoke up was Orange. His suit expanded then compressed, the loud breathing was the result of the action. You turned to him with your tired eyes that you were sure had turned puffy and red from crying.

No answer was given. Blue hiccup made your stomach turned, it was funny how the the quiet sound was louder than the siren that rang earlier. Time drastically dragged itself as you watched Orange's eyes travelled slowly at each person. You closed your eyes subconsciously when his eyes landed on you.

The air you sucked in burned your lungs, it scratched roughly against your throat. It was forcing you to gag, to throw up the disgusting reality. Yellow, the one that was more than just someone that saved your life. She was the mother figure, she was the one that looked after everyone when disaster happened. However, no one looked out for Yellow when dismay came for her.

Another tear built up in the corner of your eye that you didn't know you were still capable of crying at this point. It stung as you felt it rolled down, losing its heat and by the time it reached the edge of your cheek it was as cold as the lonely look Yellow had when you saw her.

“Purple was with Blue walking from the left side of the ship. I was already in electrical before that and,” you instinctively looked up and out of the corner of your eyes, Red mirrored the same action as Orange continued, “it leaves...”

“Me, her and Yellow. We came from the right side of the ship,” Red mumbled, his head buried into his gloved hand. You tilted your head backward, forcing back another tear that was thrashing its way out. You couldn't bare to allow your weakness to show right now.


“God… I think I'm going to lose my damn mind,” you breathed out, “It is true that I exited admin with Red but if I tried something he would have noticed right away. We were literally less than 10 steps away.”

“She's right,” Purple spoke up, his voice was dry, “It would work perfectly if Red was the killer as well.”

“I agree with you Purple. It would work but the only case left that would pull Red and White out suspicious while someone… or something to commit such a bloody scene is for them to work together. A murderous duo,” the guy said, standing up from his seat. Hands slammed onto the table. You could feel his burning gaze looking down at you with disgust, his tongue spat like a snake with sharp fangs bared at you viciously.

“Listen Orange,” Red demanded as he also stood up. Blue had stopped sobbing as she listened intensely, you watched one of her hand gripped the material of her suit where her heart was supposed to be. You could easily tell, the poor girl was one of those with a fragile glass heart. She had already witnessed the bloody death and now she was forced to sit through the argument involving those she loved dearly regarding the matter of life or death.

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