Y/n please...

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Extreme gore!!

You stood back when the light started flickering and the engine roared back to life. Blue exclaimed with satisfaction. You could hear how the pride clearly swelled in her voice, “Yep, it's back on now guys.”

“Thank God the lights are back,” Orange mumbled, drawing out a chuckle from the rest of the crewmates. You tried to mimick them but ended up forcing out an unnatural one. For some reason you couldn't help but think about what he had said earlier. Everyone was here and there was still no sign of Yellow.

“She's taking a bit too long to do her task,” you unconsciously spoke outloud. Your remark silenced everyone else, and you looked up to see all the eyes were on you.

Time was frozen for a whole minute, no one dared to move or even to breathe out loud. All movements were kept to the minimum until Blue remarked, “I'm sure she's alright. I mean Yellow had never been disappeared for too long. The mum always come back to her crewmates, right? I'm sure it's just the dumb card machine that's giving her a hard time...”

“I'll go check with Blue,” Purple said, his voice was quiet. Something in your throat clenched when they walked out the door. It was just you, Red and Orange left. You looked at them. Orange was contemplating, he turned to the door direction then looked back.

“This had never happened before-” the rest of the sentence was a blurr to your ears and he walked out of electrical. And there you were, once again stranded with Red. Your eyes were fixed on the door for some time until the guy cleared his voice.

“I guess there's nothing else we could do. Maybe we could go to security to check if Yellow walks past any camera. She may just be around the corner and we don't know. Come on,” he walked past you, only glancing back once when he reached the door. His voice was bland, a strange aura that sounded like he was reading it out of a script. It was almost like he only said it for the show.

You pressed your lips into a tight line, you reluctantly followed Red outside. Whoever the imposter was, sticking together gave you the only chance to survival. On the way to security, you kept telling yourself to calm down and trust Red. He was with you the whole time and he had the chance to take your life he would have taken it.

“You're okay?” he asked when you paused in front of the security door. You didn't say anything as you stood frozen, eyes fixated on his figure. You nodded. The guy let out a sigh and turned away from the table with the black screen, giving his attention to you.

“What did I do to make you act like this? Do you not trust me? I swear I mean no harm,” his shoulders dropped when you only nodded instead of responding, “Talk to me please...”

Red stared at you for another moment, then he let another sigh. Your breathe hitched when your hand was lifted and fingers curled around it. The guy dragged you to the camera table with considerable force that was firm enough to lead you while being gentle as if he was guiding you through a dance.

You gulped when your hand moved onto a button, and the massive screen before you flashes. It washed you with light. Time seemed to stop the moment his other hand rested on your waist. The security was the dance floor, the light coming off of the screen was the spotlight that focused on you and Red was your prince. It was all so surrealed.

Your heart began thumping loudly, pumping hot red blood into your veins. The heat spreading on your cheeks started burning when his hand applied a bit more force, pulling you into his arms. A sudden weight rested on your shoulder. The soft breathing sound echoed through your helmet, you could hear him breathing.

“Red..?” you shuddered when he took a deep breath in and stepped away. The screen flickered, sparks appeared before you and each section of the ship was revealed one by one: the barely lit right side of the ship, the empty hallway that lead medbay, the creepy cross that was screening the outside the security and the last screen was...

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