Admin cardswipe

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“Oh? That's not what I was expecting you to ask,” she pondered for a moment, “We had gone through... I think about... half a day or more on this trip. I'm not sure about the timing. There should be a clock around here somewhere.”

Yellow scanned the room to look for the clock, looking past you. Waving your hand, you shook your head, “I don't mean that. I meant how long have you been working on this spaceship and at Innersloth. How's your family life? Have you gone to visit them yet?”

“I don't exactly… remember. I had been away for quite some time,” her tone seemed to zone out. You frowned, she didn't remember her family and that was... alarming to you say at least. ‘How could ones forget their own family?’

The girl tried to smile, “I just know it had been a long time and… the crewmates here is my family.”

Her answer was surprisingly filled with content and warmth, you could feel her light up at the mention of the crew. You commented, tried to push aside the strange atmosphere, “You really love them…”

“I'd die for them… But how's your childhood? I didn't mean to make the conversation weird,” Yellow apologized, “My childhood was great. I remember I-”

Nothing else came out of her lips. She brought a hand up to her helmet, tried to cover her mouth but the glass stopped her from doing so. Yellow was now shaking, her eyes flickered between you and her hands at the sudden realisation she couldn't cover her face. She muttered, “I know that it's an important thing in ones life. I just don't remember. Something is stopping me. I… don't know why I can't remember. I mean, it's not like it's a personal question. So why-”

“Umm… what's your favorite food?” you tried another question, “Mine's probably chocolate. Any kind of sweet dessert, as long as they're cover in chocolate really.”

“Yeah? I like the fruit salad we have in the spaceship. They're pretty fresh, we get seasonal food transport onto the ship every now and then,” she answered absentmindedly.

You could tell she was struggling to keep the conversation going, “That's fruit. I'm asking about sweets.”

“I like… the ship's dessert. We had pocket apple pie last trip and it was amazing. You should definitely try it and-” Yellow's sentence was cut in half when the light flickered. The buzzing swarmed the ceiling like a colony of space flies had come to destroy and they all were buzzing at the same time.

The static noise raked the air, then a thud followed. You blinked. One second there was light, the next there was none. Startled by the sudden loss of light, you reached your hand forward to find something in reach. You unconsciously tensed, the imposter had sabotaged light and you knew this tactic like the back of your hand for you had used it yourself. Someone would die soon and the only way to survive was to stay together.

“Hey! Where are you?” you could hear Red's voice echoing from the hallway way. You struggled to walk towards his voice, trying not to trip. In front of you, you could made out a figure standing. It was Red and he was standing alone. You turned back, staring blindly into the pitch black room, trying to locate where the other girl was.

“Wait for Yellow too-” a rustling nearby made you froze. Red stared at you, confused. You wanted to turn your head but you almost couldn't, your gaze fixed at the ground. Somewhere out there in the dark vent, something was present. The clanking and bumping noise seemed to envelop the room, slowly overwhelming the static sound and taking over the sound of engine. They were coming and you gulped involuntary

Red's hand grabbed yours and he turned to storage. His voice was calm and collected, “We need to go now, she'll be fine. Beside-”

You looked at him sideway, feeling unsettled at his strange remark. He still didn't make eye contact with you, it almost like he was refusing to, avoiding even. You repeated slowly, “Besides..?”

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