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"Olivia! Olivia!" Olive was screaming.

"Liv... Olivia look at me." Enoch's voice was calm but he was internally panicking. He picker her up bridal style, carrying her off to the house. Tears threatened to fall but he refused to let them. Seeing her in this state nearly broke him.

Olive hurried off behind him, as did Millard and Hugh. Horace and Claire noticed from afar and met them at the door with the twins. Everyone was crowding around them.

"Ok, I know a lot of people care about her, and frankly I don't care if you come with me, but someone needs to open the damn door." (Enoch)

Jake reached over to open the door. Enoch turned to him, daggers in his eyes.

"Get. The. Hell. Away."

At those words, Jake practically dashed ten feet away as Enoch continued to carry her inside.

"MISS PEREGRINE" Olive yelled out. Frantic to find their caretaker.

Meanwhile, Enoch didn't waste a second. He carried her up the stairs and to her room, laying her gently on the bed. Everyone watched from afar as Enoch worked. They all knew he need space.

Before he began attaching her gear and attempting to wake her up, he leaned down towards her ear to whisper something.

"I love you... so so much Olivia," he knew she couldn't hear him, but he liked to believe that she could and she would wake up and feel the same way.

Sadly, as he sat back up, she still laid passed out on her bed.

How could anyone have ever feared you? So vulnerable and helpless? (Enoch)

"Ok, where's Bronwyn?" Enoch called out.

"She out back with Fiona" Came from Miss Peregrine who stood in the doorway, internally panicking as she externally remained calm.

"Someone fetch her then!" Enoch yelled.

The twins ran after the girl at Enoch's words. He may usually distance himself and act a bit cross to those he didn't trust, but never did he yell.

Minuetes later, they returned with the incredibly strong girl.

"Ok, Bronwyn, I need you to get behind her and lift her to a sitting position. Can you do that?"

She responded by hoping on the bed.

"Ok, one... two... three.."

And with that, she was up.

"Ok, Claire, I need you to help me alright? Olive is too hysterical right now. Now, just help me feed her arms through the vest, perfect."

Claire immediately responded, helping Enoch do exactly as he asked. The next task was to put in her ear pieces and strap her in.

He worked carefully, especially when tightening the vest since she wasn't there to tell him how tight to make it.

How does she still look so beautiful, even passed out and unconscious? (Enoch)

Next were her ear pieces which took him no time inserting. He also made sure to put them at the highest setting, for she had a better chance of waking up if she could be greeted by the same quiet she was currently feeling. Finally, he broke a package of smelling salts, allowing them to hover right under her nose.

She bounced up instantly. Everyone in the room sighed in relief. Even Enoch let a small smile slip before composing himself.

"W-where is he?" She began.

Enoch's heart dropped.

"He's down stairs," Olive spoke up from her position in the corner. This is had never happened before. No one ever got hurt. No one ever got sick.

Olivia turned to Bronwyn, motioning her in assistance to get up. The strong girl looked at Enoch first, then back at Olivia. She didn't know who to listen to- Olivia's words or Enoch's hurt expression.

She finally gave in to Olivia's words, helping her up off the bed in a more orderly and proper fashion. Olivia didn't stop by the people in the doorway watching her. Instead, she pushed past them. She headed downstairs, in search of the brown haired twig that she recognized from 40 years ago.

There he was, talking to Emma.

Emma silenced at the view of Olivia walking down the stairs, Jake turning up to look at her.

"Oh Olivia we were so worried," Emma smiled, but the girl with the blue eyes, stared down Jake with a glare.

"You little piece of shit!" Olivia screamed, her palm meeting his cheek in a violent slap.

Emma hurried to hold her back. Everyone watched from the top of the stairs. Olivia may have been protective over those she loved, but she never got physical after a feud.

Enoch rushed down the stairs to take Emma's place.

"C'mon Liv, it's not him," (Enoch)

"Same face sure says something different" (She continued to thrash)

Enoch repositioned his arms to where he could reach an earpiece and lowered it's shield.

Focus in on my thoughts (Enoch)

This was difficult for Olivia. Everyone around her had their thoughts flowing freely, unaware she could hear. But she did her best to concentrate on his.

Breathe, it's his grandson, Jake. You need to compose yourself. (Enoch)

Olivia's body stopped thrashing. She looked down at her black leather wrist watch. She had it synced up to Miss Peregrine's time loop so she knew exactly when chores were to take place. 33 seconds until Emma's squirrel dropped.

"Emma," she spoke calmly.

"29 seconds." Enoch let Olivia go and Emma hurried outside, big lead boots clomping with each step.

Olivia pushed past Jake to grab the rope.

"Move." Her words were cold as ice.

He did as told, but when she began to follow Emma out the back door, Jake grabbed her arm.

She didn't even turn back to him, only shaking her arm free as she continued on.

Great going Jake. You start liking a girl and boom, you make her hate you. (Jake)

Olivia froze in her tracks. She didn't want to tell him that she heard however, so she carried on, turning up the shield in her left ear. She knew one thing for sure from this whole experience, the days to come would be in no way similar to the ones in the past. Big change was coming, and Olivia was sure she wasn't the only person who felt it.

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