Dearly Departed

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Inside the home, the children bustled about, washing their hands and faces before they were to meet Miss Peregrine downstairs for dinner. If only they had known of the monster gracing himself at the door of their home, maybe then they would have taken a chance to appreciate the insignificant disputes between friends and the little giggles of Claire running up and down the hallway.

"Children! Please make your way downstairs!"

That was peculiar.. Miss Peregrine never called for them.

Sweeping the smiling girl up in her arms, Olivia walked behind the children with Enoch, Olive and Emma were just in front of them with Bronwyn and Fiona.

"Hugh, Horace, move Miss Peregrine said..." Emma's scolding words slowly faded out at the sight of the wight before them.

Olivia's eyes went wide. Claire squealed, burying her head in Olivia's shoulder as Enoch intertwined his fingers with hers.

"Hello their children, I am sorry for the intrusion. I believe-"

but Miss Peregrine cut him off. If only looks could kill, for the bird narrowed her eyes at him.

"Mr. Barron! I am the mother of the house, I will inform them."

Her tone scared Olivia. Through the high fear in the room, Olivia could feel the protective instinct radiating off Miss Peregrine. They were in good hands.

She then turned to face her kids, a sad smile sitting on her face as looked at them solemnly.

"Children, Mr. Barron here is in need of my assistance at his loop in Blackwell. We are going follow along with his request. Let's hear him out all right?"

Her emphasis on the word 'hear' struck realization in Olivia. She wanted her to listen to her thoughts. Leaning into Claire, she acted as though she was consoling the girl.

"Claire.." she whispered every so softly.

The girl sniffled in response as Miss Peregrine continued on.

"My princess I need you to be strong. I need you to be very sneaky and lower my shield."

The seven year old nodded her head on Olivia's shoulder as she placed a kiss on the back of her head. As Claire's small fingers slid down her shield, her head began swimming with thoughts, but she had to train them in on Miss Peregrine's.

Can you gain control over him?

It was a risky move, but she tried. Nothing happened. Very subtly shaking her head, Miss Peregrine continued on with her speech, distracting Barron with her cooperation.

I was hoping he was human enough that you could, but never mind then. Do not draw attention to yourself. As far as I am aware, he doesn't know of you or your sister's existence. This is good, keep it that way.

Olivia understood, elongating her blinking pattern to let the teacher know she got it.

"I guess this is goodbye my children. Jake will be released once I am in the cage, so please make your way into the green house with Miss Avocet."

The children started to shuffle, but Barron stopped them.

"Hold it right there!" He yelled, his booming voice causing everyone to jump.

They all looked at him in fear, gun pushed farther into Jake's temple.

"Why am I counting 12 children?! There should only be 10 after my pet got the Bruntly boy!"

Bronwyn was softly crying at the mention of her brother, Olivia gulping as she pulled her into her with her and Enoch's enclosed fingers.

"Let's see.. Emma Bloom- lighter than air, Hugh Apiston- bee's inside of him, Enoch O'Conner- dead riser, and... well hello" His devilish and sharp smile widened at Olivia and Olive. Enoch took a protective step partially in front of her.

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