Chapter 10 - Bang Bang, My Baby Shot Me Down

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I was standing in front of a huge mirror in one of the Marilyn's bedrooms. Her house was just the best place for the prepare because it was so big. I had a beautiful, dark sparkling dress with tight corset. My curled, light hazel brown hair were falling till my shoulders, as usual. My red lipstick was on. I took last look at myself in the mirror and then I left the room. I went down the stairs to the hallway. Nobody was there, but I heard some voices from a living room. I went across the hall and saw Dean, Arthur and Marilyn chatting together.

I smiled. I loved those people so much. Marilyn was the first one who noticed me and she kept her mouth open.

"Oh, my! You really do look stunning!" She said and came to me.

"Oh, stop it you! Look at yourself, gorgeous!" I said and we both hugged smiling.

I noticed Dean's gaze. He came to me and I hugged him still smiling.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered to my ear.

"I have something for you, sugar." He said and I looked at little box he had in his hand. He opened it and there was sparkling diamont necklace.

"Oh my..." I said quietly.

"Come on" he said and took my hand. We stopped in front of a mirror and he was standing behind me. He took the necklace and slowly put it over my neck. I was smiling all over my face. He buttoned it and I touched it slowly.

"It's so freaking beautiful." I said. Marilyn clapped and was smiling, too.

I turned around and placed my hands over Dean's neck. I must stood up on my points if I wanted to kiss him.

"As beautiful as you are." He said and kissed me.

"Okey, hollywood's cutest couple, we have to go." Said Marilyn and with Arthur by her side left the house.

"We should go." I laughed.

"Yep." He laughed, too.


The party was on when we came and almost everybody was already there.

"Chrissy!"  Frank Capra cried and hugged me.

"Hello, Dean." He said and they shook hands.

"I will steal your man for a while Chrissy if you don't mind." He laughed.

"No problem." I laughed.

"I have to show you that guy with whom we'll be working next." He said.

"Okey, catch ya then sweetheart." Dean said and kissed me on cheek.

I looked around myself and I immediately saw Sophia Loren with Cary Grant. When Sophia saw me, she literally ran to me.

"Chrissy!" She said and hugged me.

"My favourite hollywood couple." I smiled all over my face and hugged with Cary, too.

We talked, came to the bar and had few drinks. There was live jazz band and that wonderful music and hot tempo filled the whole room. I met with Monty Clift, with whom have been Dean working lately. What a nice guy he was! He was so shy and unconfident but that was the reason I liked him the most. I was able to talk with him about everything.

"Frank!" I cried and jumped off my bar chair.

"Oh my Chrissy, you really do look beautiful!" He said and we hugged most tight.

"Are you alone here?" I asked.

"Well, yes. I'll be all alone this night." He laughed and I grabbed his hand.

"Well, you won't!" I laughed and we started dancing together.

I saw one couple which I didn't know who the people were. They just came in. I noticed how was Frank staring at them for a while.


But after a little while I totally forgot about them.

"Hey ya, Frank!" Cried Dean when we just finished our dance.

"Hey, pal!" He cried.

"Mind if I stole you my girlfriend?" He laughed.

"No problem." Said Frank laughing.

"Dean, I'll be right back." I said and dissapeared.

I went to the ladies room but firstly I stopped at our table and took a lipstick from my bag.

Then I came back to Dean and we were dancing slow, english waltz.

One couple, woman and man, were talking passionately in the corner of a large room.

"Now, Viola." He said and she moved to the table.

Her whole body was shaking and she was so nervous she didn't even notice when music changed from slow waltz to fast charleston.

Nobody was sitting at the table that time. So she came close to the bag she thought it's the one and fastest as she could threw a little paper in it. She started breathing faster and almost running left the room.

"Civilians..." he said quietly with considerable contempt in his voice. But then he smiled. Things were finally moving the right way.

"Where's Sinatra?"

"Saw him dancing while ago with that new actress."

He smirked.

"We're done here. Have fun, fellas."

While everybody was dancing, dark Cadillac silently left Beverly Hills.

"Oh my, what a fun!" I cried laughing and totally exhausted.

"I'll bring some champagne." Said Dean and dissappeared.

He was back in few minutes with two glasses.

We were standing in one quiet corner between antique columns overgrown with flowers.

He handed me one glass and looked softly into my eyes.

"To beauty that surround me every day since that stunning night, to great success in what we love, to endless nights and glamouros evenings like this one." He said softly and lifted his glass.

I was smiling with tears in my eyes. Classic jazz melodies in the backround were stroking my soul.

"May this be forever." He said and we both drinked a little.

My breath was hot and slow, deep. I got closest to his body as I could and touched his neck with my lips.

"I'm addicted to you." I said slowly to his ear with serious voice.

I felt how he held me stronger. His huge, strong body wanted to pull me strongest as possible. He was obsessed with idea to have me. My body, my soul. The whole me.

And I wanted him. So bad.

We didn't kiss. We were just standing there cheek to cheek. We knew if we would kiss that time we wouldn't end up just kissing.

Gladly Burt Lancaster came to us and with little already drunk voice, happy face grabbed us to the dance floor.

Slow swing filled the whole room.

Something happend and nobody knew it. Something happend...!

After midnight we decided it's time to go. I was literally lying on Dean's chest with my hand on his strong body. I was exhausted but happy. It's that old black magic. That beautiful, old-fashioned idea to love someone so softly that everything is about sights, about touch, feeling.

Christmas were coming in one week.

Isn't it sad? Ruine the most beautiful  time of the year to unsuspecting people?

Bang, bang...

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