Chapter 1 - Death

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I woke up at six o'clock like every morning and got dressed for school in my silver school uniform, we don't know why but whenever I get a new uniform it turns out the same color. I have a twin brother who's a few minutes older than me named Yusuke while I was named Sakura, but Yusuke calls me Kura or Saku. Once I had my uniform on I picked up my brush before brushing my short black hair with red underneath.

I had reddish brown eyes that were different than my families who had either black or brown hair with brown or red eyes

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I had reddish brown eyes that were different than my families who had either black or brown hair with brown or red eyes.

I had reddish brown eyes that were different than my families who had either black or brown hair with brown or red eyes

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(Only with short hair, like the one above)

Then I went to wake up Yusuke which I did by pretty much yelling at him to get up which had him groaning at me. I was smart unlike my brother who rarely came to school while I practically lived at school because I loved reading. Although I'm slightly shorter than my brother I'm just as strong as he is if not more, but usually only when the moon is full. Ever since I was little I've been able to see ghosts and what I guessed where demons I wasn't sure, but I didn't care. "Promise me you'll be at school today, its boring without you there." He sighed before nodding chuckling a little, but I just walked over and kissed his check before smiling at him. "Thanks big bro! See you at school!" I said before heading out happily since I would get to see my brother at school so it wouldn't be boring like it usually is.

He came to school only to skip out just as he got there but I didn't really care I was just glad he came after all I really cared about my brother. Even if people hated him so when rat face or Mr. Akashi came to our class to ask the representatives go look for him I smiled. "Honestly I can't see how you are related to that punk Miss Urameshi, you are bright and caring while he's just a stupid thug." I twitched a little when he said that but managed to hide it away pretty quickly before walking over to him. "I would watch what you say Mr. Akashi, before I decide school isn't worth my time. Then I would be staying with my brother all the time, oh and just so you know, I'm stronger than my big brother so I would watch your back on how you insult my family." I said smiling sweetly before I walked out of the door with Keiko right behind me trying not to laugh at what I said. Mr. Akashi just stood there pale and shocked before he unthawed from what I said moments ago before he turned to try and yell at me.

I really hated people like Mr. Akashi he was a total asswhole it's no wonder my brother hates coming to school. I would to if they treat me like that which they had better be thankful they don't but if they keep it up I might join him. Keiko Yukimura was a good friend of mine but a love interest of my brother so she knows were to find him. So we took off for the roof where we found my brother but Keiko wanted to do it on her own so I let her glad that she cared about him. However it ended badly which had her storming off away from there really upset. Which had me upset with him because she was trying to help him stay in school so I walked after him when he left. I managed to catch up to him just after he had left the school gate before I grabbed onto his green uniform sleeve. "Wait! Were are you going you promised me that you would be at school today." I said looking at him tears about to come out of my eyes since he never broke a promise with me no matter what. "Sorry Kura, but I can't just deal with them the way that you do... especially rat face they all just piss me off! I'll see you at home Kura." He said before he took off which had me upset wondering if he really cared about me or if it was just because I was his family. I headed back to class still thinking about it however when I got home I felt pain go through my body which had me falling to the ground in pain. I whimpered holding my body tightly wondering what happened but then an image of Yusuke flew through my mind.

I immediately got up and took off looking for him however I couldn't find him no matter where I went. It was after dark when I got a call from my mother who told me what happened which had me falling to the ground. "No!!" I felt someone near me but when I looked around there was no one there but I still got up and ran home. When I did get home I immediately ran to my mom and hugged her as we both kept crying wanting Yusuke back. I didnt even go to school the next day due to the grief and mostly stayed in my bedroom but for some reason it felt like Yusuke was still around. Later that night everyone from school showed up and I could tell Keiko was really upset about all this since she collapsed outside the door calling for Yusuke. I wasn't any better I was still in a state of shock by all of this and just wanted Yusuke back, although I did see Kazuma Kuwabara show up. He made a big scene about him not having anyone to beat up now that he was gone which made me smile a little.

However Mr. Akashi started commenting on how it was pathetic and that they couldn't wait to get rid of him to. That my brother had pushed the kid in front of the car while trying to get his candy money. When they said that it really ticked me off but before I could do anything Mr. Takanaka stopped them before coming to give his regards to us. Then the little kid and his mother came in which had me running after them when they left wanting to ask him a question. When I called out to them they stopped to look at me which had the mother bowing to me. I could feel all my emotions going through me but I knew I couldn't just take them out on this little boy. "Are... are you..." I smiled at her lightly knowing it didn't reach my eyes which I knew I would have to get used to with Yusuke gone. "Yes, I'm Sakura Urameshi... Yusuke was my twin brother..." I could tell that my voice was shaky because of the loss but the mother bowed to me looking upset. "I'm so sorry, miss I truly am... I should have been watching my son better..." I smiled at her knowing how hard it is to take care of a child especially one who doesn't listen. "Its alright I understand, you have nothing to be sorry for."

She looked at me shocked wondering how I could say something like that to her but I knew she would beat herself up over this. "Your brother saved my boy, but lost his life, how can you say that to me..." I just looked at her knowing she would be grieving worse had she lost her son this early. "Because it's the truth, I probably would have done the same, so to honor him please live out the rest of your life treasuring your son. Like I should have done with Yusuke..." Then the little boy asked if that was my brothers name which had me nodding to him. "Yes, that is... was... my brothers name, what's yours?" I said kneeling down so I was eye level with the young boy so I could hear him better. "Masaru, miss Sakura. Do you think your brother will play with me tomorrow he was funny." I felt tears going down my face while I was looking at him since he was so innocent. "He can't play with you anymore but can you promise me something?" He nodded to me which had me smiling at him happy to have him ready to do something that a complete stranger would say. "I want you to live your life and be happy ok? I want you to never forget what my brother did for you ok?" He just smiled and nodded telling me he wouldn't forget about him which had me smiling. It was shortly after they left that it fully kicked in that my big brother was no longer around which had me falling to the ground crying. I started screaming out Yusuke's name while feeling an eminence power in my chest but I was beyond myself to realize. I felt someone pick me up before taking me up to my room before someone handed me a pill and water. I quickly took it only for the pill to kick in before I fell fast asleep on my bed, when I woke up the next day I still felt grief from Yusuke's death. I nearly jumped outta my skin when he appeared in my room as a spirit which had me wondering why he was still around.

"Hey Kura, saw your little display last night." I just looked at him shocked unable to say anything since I had no idea that he would come back. "Y-Yusuke." He just nodded smiling in his usual cocky way so I knew that it was truly him, but it had me wondering if something was wrong. "Calm down Kura it's ok, I just came to tell you that I'm coming back so keep my body safe ok?" I nodded before going over to him smiling slightly with tears going down my face glad to see that he was alright. "Just make sure you come back ok? I'm also sorry about what I said that day..." He nodded smiling at me before he left, I sat there looking out the window happy for once in the last few days. I took a quick shower before I sat down to brush my hair thinking of Yusuke coming back before I headed down to tell mom just as Keiko came in. Mom was overjoyed when I told her Yusuke was coming back but I wasn't sure when he would.

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