Chapter 9 - The End and a New Threat

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I was stunned when Koenma showed up making me smile at him so I told them about how Toguro helped me with my strength problem a few times before so now I could control it better, but then the tournament started with Kurama against Karasu. I knew this was a bad idea but Kurama but up quite the struggle even managing to become Yoko shortly after he attacked but then the battle heated up making it hard to tell who would win in the end but then Kurama changed back making things harder only for Kurama. So he then used a vampire plant using the rest of his strength to kill Karasu only he still wound up loosing because of the ten-count so then it would be Bui against Hiei but Hiei melted his body big ax before telling Bui to fight seriously before Bui took off his armor. However the armor looked to wear a ton since it made a loud sound so it must have weighed a ton but then the fight continued with Hiei revealing what was under his bandage the whole time which looked like a black dragon. Once he unwrapped it he released the Black Flame Dragon or the Kokuryhua which he then sent at Bui who used his battle aroura but he started destroying the arena trying to stop it only to send it back at Hiei not knowing that's exactly what Hiei wanted him to do. Since a second after thinking he had won Hiei returned completely unharmed making me smile at him since he managed to absorb the dragon making it his own and easily beat Bui with it while also denying to kill Bui before making it back down to the stage just in time to win since they were both up in the stands. However once he gave us a brief explanation he blacked out while threatening Yusuke that if he lost before he woke up he would get him. We couldn't help it we all burst out laughing so but then we had to wait for the arena to get fixed since Hiei's move destroyed the stage so Hiei woke up again before the battle's commenced again so Kurama explained to Hiei that Toguro had made a huge spectacle of bringing the old stage over so the fighting could continue but then it was Kuwabara's turn. It was a long battle between the two of them but Kuwabara didn't give in until Toguro's elder brother told him that Genkai was dead which set him off while I berried my face into Kurama's chest as a few tears slipped free as Kuwabara finally won the match only for him to punch Yusuke for not saying anything but Yusuke revealed what I had that if we talked about her then she'd really be gone before telling Yusuke to win it, so Yusuke stepped onto the stage but Sakyo stopped him telling everyone that he would give up his life for this to be a two winning match with Koenma agreeing to the same.

Then the fighting started with it being a fist fight before Yusuke shot his shot gun knocking Toguro away from the stadium but Toguro just came back like it was nothing but I had a feeling it would be like that since he had only used eighty present of his power. I froze thinking I was going to lose my brother again, but then Yusuke took of his wristband revealing the seal Genkai had put on us just before Yusuke took over her power she even gave us a word to use when we wanted to unlock them which was Ante but I didn't need to unlock my power just yet since I hadn't been apart of this tournament thankfully. We had prepared for me to fight just in case but it seemed that Toguro didn't seem surprised at all but then all his power came out and shown like a giant blue bird that flew around the stadium before returning to Yusuke. Then things got a lot quicker than before since Yusuke showed his true ability now but it seemed to do little to hurt Toguro because shortly after he did one hundred percent of his power. Then he unleashed his power which practically destroyed most of the stadium but thanks to our ex opponents those in the stands where alright, while Pu, Yusuke's spirit animal, protected our friends and family. Now it seemed that Toguro was stronger than Yusuke which had me worried because he told us that if Yusuke couldn't do it then he'd go for me which had me freezing up while Kurama and Hiei stood in front of me as if to protect me. It started a frenzy when Toguro started draining the lower class demons but when they tried to run Sakyo put up a barrier around the whole stadium ticking us off along with all the other demons but none stood a chance against Toguro. So he tried to get Yusuke to keep fighting him but when he attacked our friends and family Yusuke got mad but it still wasn't enough which was making me scared thinking I would have to fight him but I completely froze when I heard Genkai coming from Pu but I was stunned when she said that all Toguro had to do was kill on of us for Yusuke to get serious so Yusuke tried his best to stop him but it was no use.

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