Chapter 6: By the Fire

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"I can climb up and take a look." one villager offered, lifting his torch towards the tree to give light to the greenery beneath the branch that held Kagome. Bark pressed deeply into her back, her lungs clamored for air that her throat was too afraid to take. Panic induced adrenaline seized her thoughts and the sight of the flickering torch echoed an old memory...

"You'll never hit anything like that." Inuyasha scolded as he dodged Kagome's punch to flick her forehead with clawed fingers.

"Easy for you to say, you fight with your hands all the time!" she protested in frustration, untangling her own feet from themselves to stand up straight.

"Yeah but even the best archers can do a little hand to hand fighting." he argued. "Your bow breaks and you're a sitting duck!"

"That's what I have you for." she excused brightly, her finger moving to tap her cheek. Inuyasha reflected her cheery smile with the inverse; an irritated scowl.

Miroku sat up to peer over the crackling fire, tearing the bag of chips open to clean the wrapper of its crumbs. "I hate to say it Kagome, but Inuyasha has a point. Bows are good for long range fighting, but you should be able to fend against enemies at close range."

Kagome's hands went to her hips in a soft protest. Every JRPG she'd ever known taught her the same thing; the party always protected the white mage. Intense battles and brawls just weren't her thing, she was a priestess meant to heal and purify.

Sango grinned placatingly as she approached the two. "How about I show you a few moves?" she offered. "Inuyasha might not be the best teacher."

"I teach just fine!" he argued with a raised fist.

Clearing his throat, Miroku reached forward and yanked the hanyou to his side by a crimson sleeve. "Now, now Inuyasha, let's not get in the way of the women training." he reasoned leaning forward to watch with interest. "After all, this is a perfect opportunity to study them to enhance our own abilities."

"You just want to see two women fighting." Shippo accused flatly in-between gummy bears.

Offended, Miroku assumed a holy pose with his fingers lifted. "Of course not. A holy man such as I would never do such a thing. I simply want to oversee their progress for...educational reasons."

"Pervert!" Sango accused, knocking her fist atop his head to their amusement. While they fussed, Inuyasha approached Katome quietly.

"Hey." he muttered softly so as not to alert the others. Kagome turned to find him in deep contemplation. Sobering her amusement at the trio behind them, Kagome gave the hanyou her full attention. "I'm serious. I want you to learn something okay? It'd make me feel better if I knew you could defend yourself at least a little. Or at least long enough until I could get to you."

Seeing the earnest in his heart, Kagome smiled and put a hand to his arm. "Alright Inuyasha, I'll learn." she agreed, squeezing gently. He smirked, she grinned and the fire blazed.

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