Chapter 4: Salt and Stones

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Spring eventually gave way to summer, marking the first year since Kagome became trapped in the past. Sesshomaru normally wandered on the outskirts of villages, keeping to the forests. However, on this rare occasion his path clipped closer and Kagome decided to make the most of it.

"I need to drop by the village." she announced briefly. "I'll catch up with you."

Unsurprisingly, the pinnacle of Sesshomaru's response was his head gently cocking to the side in curiosity. To the naked eye of course the movement would've been undetected, but Kagome had traveled with him enough to notice the subtle hints of emotion his stoic countenance offered.

With a wave Kagome carefully descended the cricket filled hill, being careful to not tear the worn leather buckles of her shoes. As she approached the village, women gasped, men grunted and Kagome remembered.

Their reception wasn't unlike how Kaede's village treated her. Smiling, Kagome did her best to look innocent and nonthreatening. "Hi! Can I speak to your village elder?"

A haggard man with a knobbed cane approached with a bag of salt in hand. Kagome sighed and braced herself for the spray of grit that was tossed at her like seeds to a field.

"Be gone evil spirit!" he commanded. "Be gone!"

"Hey! Cut that out!" she protested, brushing the crystals from her skin and shoulders. "I'm not an evil spirit."

"Then why do you dress so strangely?" he objected, reaching for another handful of salt.

"I'm not from around here ok? I need help." she admitted. "Do you have any spare clothes I might have? Mine are wearing out and will be nothing but rags the next time I see a village." The thought of travelling in hole filled clothes alongside Sesshomaru hardly sounded comfortable. In that state she'd be every bit the low down human he probably saw her has.

The man looked her over and with his cane tapped the younger man beside him until he bent low. They murmured amongst themselves, casting shady looks of disapproval towards her.

"P-please?" she added weakly when she realized their frowns weren't improving.

"Be gone woman! We want no part of your tricks." he decided. The young villager lifted his hoe for emphasis. Two more men stepped forward, their farming tools raised as weapons. Hesitantly, Kagome took a step backwards with her palms splayed.

"Fine I can catch a hint." she reasoned, backing away. With a sigh she turned from the village, walking away in thought. Now how was she going to get new clothes? It wasn't like she could just drop in a at a local department store. If she had coin then–

Kagome's step faltered when a stone struck her back. Turning her cheek to her horror, a handful of emboldened boys chased after her with rocks in hand. It wasn't the best time for memories, but her heart suddenly ached for Inuyasha knowing he'd experienced the same.

With a heavy breath, Kagome ran but not before a stone managed to strike the back of her head. Staggering, Kagome escaped into the forest and thankfully the villagers gave up their pursuit. Once safe, she paused to inspect her injuries. The thrown salt hadn't done much damage, but her cheeks were still sore. Her head absolutely ached and with a touch to her crown, Kagome found blood. Her thick hair took the brunt of the impact, but not without a sizeable scrape to her scalp.

The strap on her shoes was shot and Kagome estimated that they had a handful of weeks before they were completely useless. Perhaps if she had some rope she could tie them to her feet... Suddenly the Shikon Jewel pulsed behind her, alerting her to her visitor.

"They rejected you." Sesshomaru noted.

Sighing, Kagome agreed falling to her back. Dappled sunlight peeking through the canopy proved to be her only comfort. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised." she said, her words thoughtful. "I guess I'm just too strange."

To her chagrin, a hum of agreement was made and lifting her head back, Kagome glared daggers at his upside down back. "I will return." was all he said before he faded into a blur of wind. In a matter of seconds the presence of the Shikon Jewel faded to nothing and in that moment Kagome was faced with an unsettling truth.

Sesshomaru only tolerated her presence because he wanted to for at any time, he could disappear along with the hope to see her family.

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