Chapter 2: Confrontation

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Kagome trailed Sesshomaru from a distance. Thankfully the jewel proved to act like a homing beacon and gave her something to follow when sight failed her. This carried on for only half a day when the Daiyoukai suddenly appeared before her with such suddenness that she almost walked right into him.

With a brief yelp in surprise, Kagome stumbled back, her bow raised half heartedly as the reality of its uselessness set in. "Don't do that!" she scolded, straightening her posture and brushing the folds of her skirt down.

"Why do you follow this Sesshomaru?" he inquired stonily.

"Do you see anyone else walking around here with my last ticket to go home?" she challenged. "That jewel isn't yours and I can't leave without it." Of course Sir Stares-a-lot had nothing to say to her. "Look, is there anything I can do to get you to return it to me?"

"I require nothing from a mere human." he informed.

"Don't give me that 'mere human' stuff mister." she rebutted, her hands moving to her hips. "If you could tolerate Rin, you can tolerate me. You wouldn't call her a 'mere human' would you?" Kagome challenged. Though slight, Sesshomaru's eyes thinned at the insult. Emboldened by her success in getting under his skin, Kagome pressed forward. "I didn't think so. Look, the last thing I want to do is follow around the guy who-"

Kagome stalled as the dark memory blitzed through her mind. After a rattled breath for strength, she continued. "The guy who killed my friends, but I'll do it because you're holding the one thing keeping me from seeing my family again.'

"I don't belong in this world anymore." she admitted solemnly. "You probably know what it's like to lose the things you cared for, it's why you went so crazy when you slayed Naraku right? I'm guessing it was his fault Rin was hurt." she surmised, moving a clenched hand to her chest. "But just as Naraku took the things that you held dear, you've taken the very same from me.'

"You're from this era, I'm not. Everything's gone. You destroyed everyone I ever loved here and are keeping me from returning to the ones who love me. I get that there's nothing you need from me, I don't have anything worth giving to someone like you. But without that jewel, I can't go home and if following you is the only option left to me, I'll do it if only to stay close to the last tie to my family."

Wind softly tousled both hair and grass is it rolled across the emerald hills. As the wind quieted, Sesshomaru's rich words replaced it. "I will permit your presence if that is your decision." he decreed as he turned from her before speaking once more in passing, "However, I will not allow this jewel to suffer your incompetence again."

Wearily, Kagome let out a sigh brimming with relief. Unlike Inuyasha who was as transparent as the day was sunny, Sesshomaru was as murky as miasma and up till then, Kagome wasn't sure if she'd survive this encounter. Softly Kagome spoke, "Thank you.", and she truly meant it.

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