Chapter 12: Homebound

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To Kagome's surprise, Sesshomaru was found reclining against the sacred well, his attention to the cerulean sky above. Weeds and tall grass surrounded the wooden structure, and vines coiled within its splinters.

Approaching it, the aged cedar groaned beneath Kagome's palm as she clenched the lip of the well to peer down into its depths. Having just sobered her grief at Inuyasha's grave, Kagome had little strength left to fend against the heartsickness of home.

"Why would you bring me here?" she asked, her words quiet and her tone wavering. "Why would you do this?" A hand moved to clutch Inuyasha's beads that now hung against her chest, praying that his strength would uphold her.

Sesshomaru eyed her idly before blinking. A clawed hand dipped into folds of fine silk and Kagome went still. The jewel was revealed, hope stirred, leather string was torn from his neck and the precious stone dangled before her. "You and your jewel are a nuisance to this Sesshomaru. Leave." he announced, his words dry and disinterested.

Reverently, Kagome cupped her palms and took the sparkling jewel in hand. A tearful choked laugh of unfiltered relief and joy eased years from her cheeks and brow. Her months of following him hadn't been in vain after all. Briefly she hesitated, her mind unwilling to believe his mercy. Sesshomaru however paid her no mind, his attention to the skies.

Without a second thought to him, Kagome eagerly leapt over the well , reveling in the warm embrace of fuchsia energy and the normalcy that it would soon bring. After months of suffering his presence and struggling beneath the weight of her friends deaths, Kagome was finally going home.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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