Chapter Ten

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"Your highness! Your highness! You need to wake up! We're here!" Red heard Kat hiss.

 "Kat?" she groaned groggily.

 "Sh. You need to wake up." Kat said again.

 Red opened her eyes. She felt like a carriage had rolled over her, twice. Kat smiled at her reassuringly. Red looked around and saw that Hunter and Dorian had already gone into the palace.

 They were officially in Fairisles.

 She saw a plump, older lady standing behind Kat. The lady led them to Red's room.

 "Kat, can I go to bed?" Red asked.

 "No. I'm sorry. I know it must suck right now. But you have to go to dinner." Kat said.

 Kat dressed Red in a red ball gown that Red didn't care to look at too closely. She walked down to the dining room and was instructed by someone to sit by Prince Dorian. She heard him explain that if she seemed a little out of it it was because she had a panic attack.

 The Queen of Fairisles, said that if she'd had a panic attack she shouldn't be at dinner. She needed to be well rested.

 So Red was escorted back up the stairs to her room.

 The person that escorted her turned the shower on and so Red got into the shower. When she got in she just kind of sat there. Her head hurt too much to do anything else.

 There was a knock at the door.

 "Who is it?" Red asked.

 "Hunter." came a muffled reply.

 "Don't come in."

"Wasn't planning on it. Do you want me to get Kat?" he asked.


A moment later the door opened and Kat came in.

"Red, are you ok?" she asked.

"My head hurts and I just want to go to sleep."

"If you want to go to sleep why did you get into the shower?"

"I don't know." Red groaned.

Kat pulled Red out of the shower and dried her off.

"I'm going to go and get you some clothes to sleep in." she said as she stepped out of the bathroom.

Red could hear voices from outside, but she couldn't understand what they were saying.

Then Kat came back, holding a bundle of pink cloth. 

 "Hey Red, guess what?" she asked.


"Apparently Hunter can sew, like, really fast. He's been making these since the day he met you, here you go." Kat said, handing her the bundle.

It was pink shorts and a pink short sleeved top. They were really soft but when she put them on one of the sleeves slipped down her arm. She didn't really care though. She walked out of the bathroom and sat on her bed.

Hunter sat next to her.

"Hey, are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, I should be fine after a good night's sleep." she replied.

"But you will be ok, right?"

"Are you actually worried about me?" she asked, trying to make a joke, but her voice cracked, ruining the effect.

"Just lay down."

She obeyed, and snuggled under the covers. He turned the lights off and came to sit next to her. He started stroking her hair out of her face. And she didn't mind.

The Princess in the Red CapeWhere stories live. Discover now