Chapter Three

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"Are you serious? The most dangerous gang in the kingdom is four teenagers?" Hunter asked incredulously.

 "Isn't that what I just said?" Red asked.

 Hunter shook his head.

"Nothing should surprise me anymore," he started. "The girl in ratty street clothes is the Princess, she calls normal people Wolves, she's part of the Golden Goose Gang, she offers a guy she barely knows a spot, and the gang is four teenagers." he said in wonder.

Red jerked her head at the other's to sit. They all followed her order instantaneously and sat in their normal seats. Muffy and Jack on one side, Goldy on the other with the chair closest to the head empty.

 Red took a deep breath, time to embrace the position given to her when Snow died.

 "Take a seat." she said.

 Hunter moved to sit in the chair at the head.

 "Hunter," she started. "Wrong seat."

Goldy smiled at her encouragingly, she knew how hard it was going to be for Red to step into her not-so-new new role.

Hunter moved to the right hand seat, next to Goldy.

Red sat at the head.

"You were right on all but two accounts." she said. "I'm not just part of the Golden Goose Gang," they all looked at her expectantly. "I run the Golden Goose Gang."

Saying it made it true, and suddenly she didn't feel so bad stepping into the new role.

Goldy positively beamed, she always knew Red would come to accept the position. Jack looked at her with admiration, and even Muffy let a small smile show through.

Hunter, on the other hand, looked as if he didn't believe her one bit.

"You? But you can't be a gang leader! You're a-" he seemed to notice the other's looking at him in warning.

Red's eyes narrowed.

"I'm a what?" she asked.

"Well, I mean, you're a-"

Goldy cut him off.

"I wouldn't." she said in a low voice.

"No, no, Goldy. Let him say what he wants to say." Red replied.

"You're a princess." Hunter finally said.

She rose from her chair and stood in front of Hunter.

"I can't be a gang leader because I'm a princess, huh?" she asked.

Hunter nodded, but he looked less sure now.

She grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him to his feet. Even though he was taller than her by about a foot she didn't waver.

"Let me make one thing clear. Just because I'm a princess does not mean I'm helpless. I know you think that it does, and I know that Granny gave you that impression. But do you know what this princess knows how to do? She knows how to kill you ten different ways with just the things in this room. The next time you decide to question my leadership again because of the fact that I'm a princess, won't hesitate to end you. Do you understand me?" she growled.

"Why are you allowed to touch me but I'm not allowed to touch you?" he asked.

"Excuse me?" Red said, letting go of his shirt in surprise.

"I said, why are you allowed to touch me but I'm not allowed to touch you?" he repeated as he fixed his collar.

"Did you hear anything I just said?" she asked.

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