Chapter Five

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Red was laying on her bed when a knock sounded at her door.

 She had showered, cleaned her cut lip, and changed into one of her nightgowns that ended mid-shin. Her notebook was at arms distance, but she didn't feel like writing.

 "Who is it?" she called through the heavy wood door.

 "Kat." a voice purred back.

 "Come in." Red answered.

 Her door opened and Kat walked in.

"Hey, I heard that you left dinner before dessert, what's all that about?" she asked, questions dancing in her pure blue eyes.

"I don't want to talk about it." Red groaned.

"I'm not asking you if you want to talk about it, and now I'm not asking you to talk about it. Tell me what happened at dinner." Kat replied.

Red smiled. Kat was the only one who could talk to her like that and not end up in a hospital.

"Father he... he basically said Snow was better than me in every way, shape and form, and that I was ugly." Red said, quickly relaying what happened at dinner. "Not to mention Hunter was there! None of the G.G.G. have ever seen me in Princess mode and he's here not even a day and sees me like that!"

"Which problem are you most upset about?" Kat asked her.

"The former."

"Then we will discuss the latter. That was the thing about Hunter, right?" Red nodded. "Ok, so he saw you in a nice dress? Is that what you're in a tizzy about?" Kat asked.

"No, it's just... I was acting like a Princess. Not the tough and fearless gang leader that he should know, needs to know. Plus, now he knows a lot more about me than I want him to. Also," she added frowning. "At one point in time, I don't know what he was thinking, but he winked at me and pretended to faint."

"He did what?" Kat asked.

"You heard me." Red said, not wanting to repeat herself. "What does it mean?"

"Are you ready for another lesson in the ways of boy, my young apprentice?" Kat asked in her fancy person accent.

Red rolled her eyes.

"Oh yes, wise master. Teach me." she said, unenthusiastically.

"Well, sometimes, when a boy pretends that he finds you attractive, he actually finds you attractive." Kat said.

Red laughed, assuming Kat was joking, but Kat didn't join her.

"Wait, you're serious?" Red asked.

Kat nodded.


"No?" Kat asked.

"There's no way he finds me attractive. And if he did, after hearing those things my Father said, there's no way he still thinks that." Red said.

"Whatever you say..." Kat shrugged. "So, what've you been reading nowadays? Any romance for ole Aunt Kat?"

"Kat, you do realize that you're the same age as me, right?"

"Sh." Kat said, holding a finger to Red's mouth. "Books. What are you reading?"

Red rolled her eyes, and was about to answer when another knock sounded.

"Kat, it's your turn to get the door." Red said.

"Aw...! But I'm comfortable..." Kat groaned.

"Kat, I command you to get the door." Red smiled.

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