Chapter One

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Red pulled her crimson hood lower. She knew that it probably wasn't a very good idea to wear a bright red cape in the woods when she wanted to be invisible. But she couldn't be parted with it, not when she was outside of the Palace walls. 

 She quickened her pace and grasped the wicker basket tighter.

 She never understood why Granny's cabin had to be so far out in the woods. Well, no, she did. It was so that the Wolves couldn't get to her. But the Wolves wouldn't be that bold, the commoners would be able to see the pattern too early if Granny was killed. That was why they were after her, not Granny.

 Red absently played with one of her chocolate brown braids as she walked. She couldn't help but think of what her Granny would say when she got there.

 Rosalee what are you doing here so soon? You just visited yesterday!

 She had, too, but Red wasn't just going to visit Granny, she was also going to visit Jack, Muffy, and Goldy. Later.

That's what she told herself anyway. She knew that she was actually just coming to see Granny. Ever since Snow... passed on, being with Granny was the only thing that could make her truly happy.

Red missed her sister more than anything. But she knew she shouldn't, couldn't, dwell on the past anymore, she could only focus on the future. Especially since the future was going to involve avenging Snow's... absence.

Red's foot got caught on a root sticking out of the ground and she toppled forward.

"Stupid branch." she grumbled as she stood back up. Nothing hurt, but all the food had spilled out of her basket. She was only able to salvage a cake and a bottle of wine.

 She came to a small creek that she stepped over. It reminded her of a small song from when she was a kid. "Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother's house we go." she sang softly to herself.

 She heard a branch snap to the right of her. Her head whipped around and she peered through the dense foliage.

Why would anyone go through the trees when there's a path right here?

"Hello? Is anybody there?" she called out against her better judgment.

She continued on, despite being on edge. Her only comfort was the fact that she knew she could take whoever was out there. Or, at least, she thought she could. She had bested the Captain of the Guards, so she figured she was pretty safe.


This time the sound came from her left. They were too close to Granny's house for comfort, whoever they were. Red started running.

Could it be? Did they finally realize that since Snow is gone Granny is my only weakness. She thought. Well, the only weakness that they could do anything about. She amended.

Her friends were another weakness, but she had confidence that they could take care of themselves.

Red was out of breath when Granny's small cottage came into view.

She had just enough time to note that the door was ajar before she barreled into the living room. It was exactly how she remembered it, bright blue sofa, polished mahogany coffee table, teapot out and just waiting to be poured.


"In here, dear." came a voice from Granny's room.

Red frowned. Granny never called her dear, in fact, Granny never called anyone dear. She walked down the hall and into Granny's room. It was simple, with pale green walls, a twin bed in the corner, a rocking chair at the foot of it, and a window on the left wall.

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