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"ma'am we are sorry to tell you that, doctor Emmett Brown has passed.."


"Marty.." you looked up at him, he was on his bed playing cards with you. "Do you think..we could-"

"That could really mess with the space time Continuum" he looked up at you.

"But hes done it before! Like when he put back together your letter!" You said.

"How do you know about that" he tilted his head "I mean I know I've told you the story of when I had to go back to the future but I've never told you that part!" He said.

"My dad told me! Every detail!" You laughed because it was a bit obvious.


"Marty," you set your cards down. "We have to go back and save doc, we know when he died we just have to figure out how.

Time After Time // Marty McFly x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now