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You all went upstairs.

"Marty let me get you some better medical attention. I'll go get my med kit then I'll make us dinner and we could watch a movie.." your father's voice trailed off as he went into another room. You brushed your hand through Marty's hair.

"I'm so happy you're okay Marty" you said and pulled him into a kiss. When you pulled back his face was beet red, making you both giggle.

"I'm happy you're okay too, baby" he gave a small smile just as Doc came back. He practically slammed the first aid kit on the table and opened it up. He brought Marty closer to him then doc looked at you.

"It's uh, going to be awhile, y/n, dear." He said and you nodded and went to the TV. It was quiet enough for your to hear Marty wince and scream at Doc.


"Sit still!!"doc laughed

"I am!" Marty whined. This went on for about 10 minutes until Marty was all patched up. He had a singular scratch covered with a bandaid and that was it.

"He looked as good as new!" You said as you stood up. Marty put his hands on his hips. You laughed and pecked his cheek. "See? It wasn't that bad." You smiled and he rolled his eyes.

"You say that now, wait till you have to do that" Marty plopped down on the couch.

"Ou you poor poor baby" you said and made a pouty face. He knew you where only joking so he flashed his perfect smile. Doc walked up to you.

"y/n would you like to help me make dinner?" He said and you looked at him. "I just need someone to make cookies, and you know I'm not much of a baker." He said as he turned back around.

"Sure dad!" You smiled and Marty then followed Doc but he stopped suddenly, almost making you trip over.

"Marty! Why don't you come help" doc said. Marty let out an exaggerated sigh then pulled himself off the couch and followed you and doc into the kitchen. Your father handed you a cookie mix and you began pouring the ingredients into a bowl.

"Marty could you get the sugar?" You said while looking at the box.

"Yeah sure" he said then shortly put a bag of sugar next to you. You handed Marty two eggs as you put the right amount of sugar in the bowl. You then stepped side to get milk. You starting humming, saying the lyrics in your head.

I guess you'd say.. What could make me feel this way.. My girl.. My Girl..-

"TALKING BOUT.. MYY GIIIIRL" Marty sang as he suddenly twirled you around. You couldn't help but giggle. "Cmon we just gotta stir it" Marty said as he reached over you to grab the electric mixer. He plugged it in then handed it to you. You then turned it on and began mixing while he preheated the oven and sprayed a cookie sheet. Doc was almost done making dinner too. "I think you've got it from here" Marty smiled and kissed you on the cheek.

"I love you" you smiled.

"I love you too!" He chirped then went back to the couch. You rolled up separate cookies then set a timer as you put them in the oven.

"Great work you two!" Your dad smiled.

"Thank you" you grinned back. Doc was such a great dad. Too bad he has too much dangerous stuff at his place otherwise you'd get to live with him. Your mother died when you where born but you try not to think about it.

"y/n come check this out!" Marty called from the living room.

"What" you said as you walked to him. You then plopped next to him and he put his arm around him.

"The Cubs finally made it to the play offs!" He said and you pretended to understand.

"That's great baby" you gave him a kiss and watched the game with him until food was ready.

"Dinners ready!! Come and get it!!" Doc called happily from the kitchen. You've never seen Marty get up so fast. By the time you got to the kitchen, Marty was already eating. You laughed and grabbed a plate and sat down next to him. You took a bite and smiled.

"Foods great dad!" You chirped. Doc looked up from his food.

"I appreciate it, y/n but me and Marty haven't ate all day. Let us men eat!" He said and went back to his food. You rolled your eyes and looked at Marty. He had a nervous smile on his face. You laughed to show him you weren't mad. By the time the guys got seconds, you finally finished your plate then put it in the sink for tomorrow. You excused yourself from the table and went to the TV. Geez sports where boring. Would Marty be annoyed if you changed the channel? You got up and decided not to.

After awhile it was finally 11:37 pm and doc was ready to crash.

"Goodnight you guys, see you in the morning!" He said. Boy was he a happy man.

"Night doc!"

"Night dad! Sleep well." Marty said after you. It wasn't long before you and Marty where in the spare room getting ready for bed.

"Marty, um.. don't your parents ever want us home? We've been here for awhile." You asked as you took off your shirt. Marty started unbuckling his belt.

"Oh- yeah. But they still think we're house sitting for two days and a night so I figured.. More time to spend with you.. Alone so why not?" You where both in your underwear. You jumped in bed and as Marty climbed over you, he stumbled then collapsed and accidently pressed his boner against your privates. You bit your lip trying not to moan. You where sensitive about these things because Marty makes you weak.

"Holding something in?" Marty whispered. You blushed though the lights were off.

"N-no....?" You looked away but he grabbed you chin and slowly began thrusting through both of your guys' clothes. "m-marty!" You whisper-yelled. He chuckled and thrusted harder making you slip and moan a little in his ear.

"Good girl" he said and rolled over to the other side. You felt all emotions in one second. You climbed on top of him, you felt his boner underneath you and his face was shocked and wide eyed.

"Marty y-you can't just do that" you whined and Marty slipped his hand under the two of you to pull out his member. You blushed.

"I was only teasing you baby cakes." He said and moved your underwear to the side then slipped in his boner. You gasped and began to slide it deeper. Marty then grabbed your neck and pulled your face to his and began kissing you. His soft lips moved in sync with yours as you tried to feel more pleasure than pain.

Time After Time // Marty McFly x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now