Chapter 11 - When..?

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"Luke, No. It'd take me at least thirty minutes to get back anyways. I'll never make it."
"Babe, That's what Nerd and I are for."
When he said that I giggled
"Tell NerdRock to get his ass down to the school and get me. Bye Lukey, Love you handsome." I smiled and hung up.
"Um..." Chad said nervously.
"I guess I should tell you my full name hm?" I smiled as he nodded.
"I'm Jasmine Marie Trippy. Daughter of the Youtubers Charles and Alli Trippy. Well...Charles Trippy and Alli Speed now." I sighed, but continued to smile.


-Few weeks later-

~Jasmine's POV~

I've had an unnerving feeling, I haven't spoken to Charles...I mean dad in weeks, I avoid him during concerts and after. Been pretty difficult. But I've managed.
Luke's been trying to help me on which one I should live with.
But to be honest, I don't know.
Mom's already packing up to leave, but do I really wanna leave the house I've grown to love so much? Or go live in an already cramped house with Grandma and Grandpa Speed...?
"This is too much pressure!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, gaining stares from the strangers around me.
Tears formed in my eyes, "What are you all staring at!" I yelled, "Haven't you ever seen a girl alone contemplating which of her parents to live with?!?! STOP STARING YOU DAMN CRAZY MOTHERFUCKERS!"
I ran out of the bus stop, bawling my eyes out.
"Dammit.." I mumbled punching the side of the building.
"I can't leave Dad alone, due to his seizures. But mom...She'll feel so alone without me...Right?" I fell to the ground, hugging my legs to my chest, "Right....?"
"Jas?" I heard the familiar tone of Luke's voice.
I hesitatingly glanced up at him, his tall figure shading me from the hot Texas sun.
"Let's go back to the bus baby girl." Luke gave his signature dorky smile.
I smiled weakly and stood up, wrapping my arms around his waist as he planted a soft kiss on my forehead.
"I hate seeing you hurt. Live with Charles..please, because then I'll see you more...because...tour..."
I stifled a giggle and looked up at him.
"I think I may do that..."
I stood on my tiptoes and planted a short kiss on his lips.
Luke blushed and pulled me closer, kissing me back.
I'm glad to have him by my side...I just wish...Wish I could call him mine...

-A Month Later, Nearing the end of Warped Tour-
~Luke's POV~
I didn't want this tour to end..not now..not ever...
I really wanted to ask Jasmine to be mine before Warped was over..
Curse my awkwardness..
I sighed and walked over to where Charles and some..girl were.
The girl was fairly tall, much taller than Charles. A tad bit shorter than me. She had blonde hair similar to mine and bright blue eyes.
Who was she, and why was Charles all over her??
I smiled calmly and walked over to them, "Hey Charles!"
Charles jumped, I most likely spooked him.
"Luke!" He smiled and gave me a soft pat on the back.
"Luke..this is Allie, my girlfriend."
I gave him an odd look, what did this guy have for Allie's/Alli's?
I smiled, "Hey Allie! Pleased to meetcha!"
She began to talk when I heard my phone go off.
I checked it and saw it was a Twitter DM from Jas.
@JasWTK: Lukeeyyy where are you?! Ashton is being an annoying father again!!!
I chuckled and showed Char the message.
Char gave a weak smile, " would you like to meet my daughter?"
Allie looked shocked, "She's here? Why?"
I glanced at her, "Because she's a backup singer for We The Kings.." I scoffed. "And also the girl I'm madly in love with..."
Charles smiled and gave me a half hug, "Tell her to come over here..she may hate me but..oh well."
I smiled at him, "She's chosen to live with you Charles."
His face lit up with excitement.
I looked down at my phone and replied to her
@Luke5SOS: Babes over by the bus. And tell Ashton that I said if he continues, Lashton won't ever happen.
@JasWTK: Wooowww I thought you loved me Luke...Lashton shall never happen...only Muke.
@Luke5SOS: Okay okay. Muke it is. Get you're butt over here.
@JasWTK: your* and okay babe. Be there in a bit.
@Luke5SOS: Don't you dare correct me woman. :(
I chuckled softly as I saw her run towards my, jumping into my arms, her lips easily finding mine as we quickly kissed.
Jasmine slowly let go of me and looked back and forth between Char and Allie.
"Dad? Who's she?" Jasmine said putting an emphasis on 'she'.
This..isn't going to end well...
-Jasmine's POV-
I couldn't take my eyes off of the woman. She was beautiful no doubt. But she gave me a stand-off-ish feeling.
A bad feeling.
Like..she's my dad's would be Lady Tremaine and I'd be Cinderella.
Since..Luke's my Prince Charming.
"Jas...this is girlfriend.."
At that moment my heart sunk into my stomach.
First of all her names Allie. Motherfucking ALLIE!
I gave her a sly smile, "Hi Allie, I'm can call me Jasmine. Oh and if you think I'll be calling you mom or warming up to you fast I think not. I don't appreciate other women with the same name as my mother coming into mine and my fathers life. To me you're just another pawn." I spat harshly, glaring at her as she gave me a shocked and innocent look.
"JAS!" My father looked at me surprised.
I rolled my eyes and walked off.
Maybe things would be better with
her around...maybe..I should stick with Ashton as being my dad....

Guys! I finally updated this story!
How do you guys like the new Allie??
I like her personally. She's really nice and she makes Char so happy!
Yes I know Jas doesn't like Allie but she'll warm up to her.
I have writers block at the moment guys, and it's a on going thing. It won't go away.
Anyways guys, I'll update soon ❤️ Bye loves.
Oh and if there's any mistakes I will be going through all my chapters soon and editing it!

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