Chapter 1 - Prologe

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Jasmine's POV

"Mar-Mar, ZoZo, Chico Pico!" I giggled. 

"ZOEY! MARLEY! CHICO!!!!" I bolted up from my sleep, immediately checking the time -6:45 AM 

"Fuck..." I muttered to myself. I'm gonna be late for school! 

I sprung up from bed and rushed to the closet, I picked out a lazy day outfit. Bet you can already guess what day it is. Yup. Monday. 

I grabbed a pair of Gray Sweats, and a sweater. 

I quickly changed out of my PJ's into the outfit, I then slipped on some funky looking socks, (a pair that Uncle Jesse gave me) and my black and white converse. 

I then sped-walked into my bathroom and brushed my teeth, and my long, curly light brown hair. 

I skipped into the kitchen, nearly bumping into my mother. "Sorry mom!" I ducked underneath her arms which had a stack of chocolate-chip waffles on a plate in her hands. 

It smelled delicious.

"Jasmine, hun? Aren't you gonna eat?" My mother, Alli asked. 

"I might....Or Naaahhh!" I said sounding like Nash Grier, as I checked the time again. 7:10 AM 

"I'm gonna be late! Gotta go! BYE DAD! BYE MOM!" I yelled bolting out the door, grabbing my penny board on the way out. 


 I ran up the stairs of the school, and bumped into my best friends, Avalon, Kelsey, and Haylee. 

"Gah, fuck you guys!" They all giggled as I fell backwards...Down the stairs. 

"Jas!" Avalon screached as she ran down the stairs to help me up, while the other two just kept laughing and laughing. 

"You guys are dicks!" I mumbled 

Kelsey stopped laughing and suddenly had a serious look on her face. "Jasmine...Marie....Trippy!" I heard my name be called out with an angry tone. I looked behind me to see the principle... Mrs.Kesner. 


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