thirty eight

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wonwoo rushed over to the hospital when he got a phone call from the receptionist, saying mingyu was allowed to receive more visitors beside his parents. it's been a day since everything happened at the school camp and wonwoo had been forced to go home as the lobby had to be used for another emergency that took place short after. 

mingyu, with barely any chances of surviving, was still in a state of coma but hadn't passed away, yet. though the receptionist informed him over the phone about the fact that his body had gone visibly weaker and lost almost all of its strength, and he had to hurry if he wanted to see mingyu once more. though he wasn't prepared to face the parents, but with it being his last chance of seeing the boy he had to go. 

he ignored the stinging sensation in his lungs as he kept kicking down on the pedals of his bike, racing through the crowded streets of the city. red lights, cars having to pull their breaks to avoid hitting him and causing a crash, even people on a walk, wonwoo couldn't hear nor see his surroundings as his mind was only focused on one thing. and that thing being kim mingyu. no matter what dangers traffic brought along.

the breaks squeaked painfully as wonwoo came to a stop, dropping his bike against a lamppost as he ran up to the hospital's entrance, panting loudly as he gasped for air. once inside, he instantly walked up to the familiar receptionist to get allowance into mingyu's room. 

"jeon wonwoo, here for patient kim mingyu." he panted out, steadying his breath as he was finally able to take a small break. the young woman behind the counter greeted him politely as she typed the called name in her computer, checking if it correspond with the information in the system. 

"jeon.. wo- ah, i see. you're allowed to visit him now. do you know in what state he is in or should i give you some extra information?" she asked calmly, though wonwoo couldn't help but to be in a hurry. 

"just his room number please, i've been here last night." wonwoo asked her to quicken the process so he would be able to see him again. "okay, i see. in that case, his parents have just gone home about half an hour ago. there is a chance they return soon. patient kim is placed in room number sixty eight-" 

before she could continue, wonwoo already hurried to the elevator, ignoring the familiar voice of seungcheol who'd apparently noticed him earlier. he was probably here to visit chan, who in fact, was brought back to his consciousness. 

the elevator went up at a horribly slow pace, making wonwoo's irritation level rise up as he just wanted to get over with this quickly. and to his luck, he eventually reached the fourth floor and before the doors had fully opened, he'd already ran inside the plain white hallway. 

on his way to mingyu's room, which appeared to be the one all the way at the end, he nearly fell over a kid, bumped into a grumpy looking doctor, almost tripped over someone's empty wheelchair and stumbled over his own clumsy feet. but none of those reasons stopped him from running. 

and finally, gasping for air, he stood in front of the intimidating hospital door that gave access to mingyu's room. it took him a while to collect enough courage to open it, but once he realized it might be the last time seeing him, he knew all time that was left would be precious. and so he pushed down the handle. 

a large window that reached from the floor to the ceiling threw sunlight on the white hospital bed where mingyu lay tucked in under a duvet. a tube went inside his nose, serving as an oxygen supply, since his body wasn't strong enough to work on its own. dark circles were present around his eyes as the skin around his cheekbones sunk in entirely, and if it wasn't for his chest going up and down wonwoo would have assumed he was dead. 

he ignored the tears that escaped his eyes as he took a seat next to mingyu's bed, carefully taking a hold of his hand that was also connected to life aid, scared the skin might shatter from the slightest touch. "h-hey." wonwoo managed to bring out in a shaky voice as he felt the warm sensation radiating off mingyu's hand, unlike when he'd been shot. "i-.. eh.. i have no i-idea what to say right now.. actually.." he choked back sobs, just to be able to held a one sided conversation with the boy. 

"i.. i just really wish i-it wouldn't have h-happened.." wonwoo pressed the hand against his forehead as he allowed the sobs to be heard inside the empty room. "and i..i really don-don't want to lose you..." 

until suddenly, the overwhelming silence was interrupted by both a male and female voice entering the room, making wonwoo's head peer up on an instant. though he forget to let go of mingyu's hand, which went noticed by the adults on an instant. 

"uh.. hi. we weren't actually expecting visitors." the woman, who wonwoo assumed was mingyu's mother, spoke politely as she came closer to the two, leaving a rather confused father in the doorframe. 

wonwoo tried to suppress the hysterical sobs that blocked his throat from speaking as he tried to wipe away his tears with the sleeves of his sweater, his legs too weak to get up from the chair. "i-im sorry.." he apologized, making an attempt to calm himself at least a little down. 

"there's no need to be sorry." the middle aged male stepped inside as well and took a seat on the other side of the bed next to his wife. "we just didn't expect company so sudden."

"i don't want to come off as rude, but who exactly are you? i can't remember our mingyu has ever brought you over." the woman asked as she crossed her legs, reaching up to her head to feel if her bun didn't became too messy. though before wonwoo could give a proper reply, her eyes widened a little. "wait a minute, weren't you that boy mingyu talked about all the time? you're the one he teamed up with for camp?" 

she looked at her husband for a little extra help. "wonwoo?" the man asked, furrowing his brow in confusion. 

"yeah, that's me.." he whispered, unable to look them directly in the eyes, as he was still holding onto mingyu's hand and his body refused to let go. 

"believe me when i say i've never seen my son being so in love with someone before. since the moment he acknowledged your presence, he started coming home as a complete different person. as if he finally got happy again." wonwoo looked up at mrs kim, seeing how tears threatened to fall from her eyes. "i was so happy when i heard he was able to go camping with you." 

"a-and we've had a r-really good time.." wonwoo got a sudden adrenaline kick again, thinking back about the memories they made together before that night. "m-mingyu actually pulled me out of my comfort zone.. and h-he was the cause i-i finally learned how to l-love and how to make f-friends." 

tears streamed out of his eyes uncontrollably again, now realization kicked in even more. even if it had just been for a few days, mingyu had learnt him more than he did ever before and he wasn't sure if he was able to go on like that if the boy passed away. 

he couldn't lose this weird sense of strength now. he couldn't lose kim mingyu now..

but what wonwoo didn't know, was that mingyu's body temperature had been below average ever since he was done with surgery. then why did it feel so normal inside wonwoo's hand? why did his index finger start twitching out of a sudden? did really no one in the room notice how his lips separated for the slightest bit so he could inhale fresh air instead of the oxygen from the tiny tube. 

however, when a deep silence fell over the room, a faint whisper was heard. it was just weak, but enough for everyone in the room to notice. first it just came out as something unclear, closer to a murmur than an actual word. until it was heard a second time, the volume of the specific sound rising up. 


"mingyu?" wonwoo let out a breathy sob as the parents rushed closer to the bed, pressing a button that most likely called a nurse. he didn't believe it when he felt how mingyu's fingers slowly started moving inside his hand, nor the small trace of a smile that appeared on the boy's face. 

"won..wonwoo?" he tried again, using all the strength his body held, as nurses rushed into the room this time, instantly performing an entire check-up to see what exactly was going on. wonwoo even caught one of the two saying something he most likely wasn't supposed to hear.

"this boy was supposed to be a lost case, i wonder what woke him up."

and all that time, wonwoo stayed at his side as he held onto his hand, stroking his skin, mingyu whispering his name getting louder until his breath steadied the slightest bit. and at that moment wonwoo was certain about one thing. 

miracles still exist  

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