twenty six

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"today is our last day here, right?" seungkwan asked to whoever was listening in general, dramatically plopping down on the ground after an intense game of soccer.

his limbs felt like they were going numb and his sight was blurry because of the hyperventilating. seungkwan hated intensive sport games, that's why he always dropped out of class when he had PE. however, hansol convinced him to play along one game on his team, which ended up in about three games..

"we're heading back home tomorrow afternoon." soonyoung answered him, dropping dead in the grass next to him.

"i don't even want to go back home." a third voice joined in. seokmin sat on the other side of seungkwan and the iconic trio was finally complete again. "i'm actually feeling at home here, can't we stay longer?"

"i wish we could stay here longer as well, what if the group falls apart when we return home?" soonyoung asked worriedly, sitting up like seokmin as well.

seungkwan felt like he could breathe properly again and pushed himself up, sitting cross legged in between his two best friends. somehow the place, situation and happenings of the past few days made him experience so much happiness. especially now he could share that feeling with his two dearest friends, who seemed to feel the exact same way about how things were going.

"i don't think we're splitting that easily." seungkwan exclaimed "like mister lee said, he had never seen a group of teens getting so close over the span of just a few days."

"but that's because we're all together now." soonyoung sighed, resting his head on his knees that were pulled up against his chest "when we return to school we all go back to a different environment, our own cliques and other classes. don't you think there will be a lot of us that slowly fall apart from the group?"

"i think seungkwan might be right." seokmin said, a wide smile appearing on his face that gave the group a sense of hope, "i mean, look at mingyu and chan for example. i've never actually seen mingyu acting nice towards other students and chan finally acts like a boy his age. don't you think that means something?"

soonyoung hummed in response, his vision on things suddenly brightening up after his best friends convinced him. "you're probably right, i shouldn't have worried so much about it."

seungkwan sassily threw back his none exsisting long hair before clasping his hands together. "bitch, i'm always right."

"anyways." a mischievous appeared on soonyoung's face as he gave seokmin his full attention "how are things going between you and jisoo?"

"i heard you two had sex!"

seokmin's eyes widened on seungkwan's straight forward assumption, his cheeks flushing bright red. and of course, his expression gave himself away, which only resulted in both seungkwan and soonyoung falling back in the grass and collapsing from hysterical laughter.

"no way!" soonyoung screamed in terror, barely believing seokmin's innocence was just an act. "you can't possibly-"

"HE'S GUILTY! MY MANS DONE IT BEFORE I DID!" seungkwan rolled over, not being able to suppress the inhuman sounds leaving his throat.

"we haven't done it yet, don't get yourself too excited!" seokmin tried to hide away his embarrassment somehow, which failed terribly.

"then when, where and what on earth have you done! because i can't remember hearing specific sounds in our cabin at night!" seungkwan finally managed to stop laughing, sitting straight and wiping away his tears of joy.

"i- why am i even telling you all this it's none of your business!"

"we're your best friends! of course it's our business!" soonyoung tried as well.

"we did some things last night after the campfire and no!" seokmin interrupted himself when he saw seungkwan and soonyoung getting ready to ask more "i'm not giving details! we went to the restrooms, which was actually a bit cramped but the it did the thing. next time i rather do something like that at home though."

but before seungkwan and soonyoung could give any comments on seokmin's statement, another presence appeared from behind. "hi minnie! is it okay if i join you?" jisoo innocently sat down next to seokmin, as if the night before had been a complete illusion and his usual behavior returned again.

"of course!" seokmin approved happily, shuffling a tad bit closer to the boy so their thighs lightly touched. "we were just talking about how much fun we've had for the past few days!"

both seungkwan and soonyoung couldn't believe their eyes. did these two actually- it couldn't be? in front of everyone they acted like such good boys. they were known for their well mannered way of speaking towards everyone and their holy sanity. where on earth did it go wrong.

"you're seeing this too, right?" soonyoung whispered in disbelieve when seokmin and jisoo started a conversation apart from them.

"i- how? that's all i'm asking, how?" seungkwan muttered his reply "i'm absolutely questioning their sanity now."

"i can't believe it.."

"kwan!" seungkwan averted his attention to the semi american boy in the middle of the field, waving at him with all his excitement "i won!"

"i think someone wants your attention," soonyoung winked at the visibly red boy next to him "come on, go cheer for your boyfriend! look at his excitement!"

soonyoung gave seungkwan a firm push when the boy tried getting up, making him stumble and nearly fall. "he's not my boyfriend!" seungkwan hissed before taking a springt towards hansol, whose smile obviously grew bigger when seungkwan came closer.

with a delighted sigh soonyoung stayed behind, letting his eyes wander over the field and over all the happiness everyone radiated. their group had gotten so incredibly close, it seemed impossible to him they would grow apart when they returned home. or at least, he wished.

for this specific reason he wished he could stay longer at this school camp. usually he wasn't really into these type of things or activities, but these last couple of days had totally changed his opinion on camping.

out of sudden, he felt a weight being dropped on his shoulders and it only took a quick guess for him to know exactly what it was. or better said, who it was.

"hey ji." soonyoung spoke softly, turning his head a little to see the smaller boy crouching and hugging him from behind, leaning his weight onto soonyoung's shoulders "done with soccer?"

"yeah." jihoon muttered, holding onto soonyoung a tad bit tighter "i'm tired."

soonyoung giggled on how adorable he looked and sounded. "you can take a nap if you want." the elder proposed, knowing there was only one exact thing jihoon was trying to get at.

"soons." jihoon hummed in disagreement "you know what i'm talking about, stupid."

"oh i know." soonyoung chuckled, suddenly shifting positions, "you know what, come here, the weather is too nice to go inside."

which was true. the sun was still radiating the perfect amount of heat for them to stay outside, and soonyoung wanted to enjoy the warmth now he still could. he pulled jihoon to his front side, spreading his legs a little and making place for jihoon to lay in between them. the moment he felt jihoon's back touching his chest he wrapped his arms tightly around the smaller, securing him in his warmth.

"is it comfortable for you this way?" soonyoung asked carefully, willing to go to the cabin if jihoon disliked the position anyways.

"i like it even better this way." jihoon admitted, laying more close and intimate to soonyoung than ever before. 

soonyoung giggled and took the risk to press a tiny kiss on the back of jihoon's head. he wasn't planning on sleeping since watching another game of soccer seemed like a better plan.

and in that moment, soonyoung felt like the luckiest man alive.

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