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the forest that seemed so terrifying the night before now bathed in the orange glory of the morning sun. a thin layer of mist hung right above the ground as the temperature was still quite low at nearly seven am. the silent chirping of birds was heard in the distance and every now and then a gust of wind made the leaves rustle.

the scenario was so peaceful it was all nearly too good to be true.

and to the teachers opinion, waking up the students at this ungodly time in the morning would make it even better! as if the students would actually have the same thoughts about that..

a loud knock was heard on the door of the cabine where thirteen boys were still far away in a world of dreams and imagination.

muffled sounds of annoyance were heard once the door got thrown opened and mister lee stepped into their room full of triumph. seungcheol was among the first who woke up, hiding the still sleeping jeonghan who lay in his arms underneath the blanket, hoping they wouldn't get caught somehow.

"what time is it?" hansol rolled over and pushed himself up to lean on his elbows, his hair pointing out in every single direction and visibly still half asleep.

"it's exactly one past seven. time for you to wake up and attend breakfast in fifteen minutes!" mister lee spoke in all enthusiasm, seemingly enjoying life this early.

wretched sighs and several other inhumane sounds filled the room as they all started waking up one by one. "just leave some food for me, i'll be later." chan said as he rolled over, covering himself with the blanket again to cut out any form of daylight.

"my dear chan, my apologies, but that's not how it works." mister lee spoke, walking over to chan's bunk bed and giving the blanket a sympathetic pat. standing next to chan's bed, that stood directly next to junhui's, he noticed something was off.

no one seemed to sleep in junhui's bottom bed, while in seungcheol's bed no one was sleeping in the upper bed. it couldn't be, right?

"i could have known.." with a deep sigh he walked over to junhui's bed, who only laughed sheepishly, trying to hide the person clinging onto him by pulling him closer to his chest. but mister lee was smarter than that as he ripped the blanket off them and revealed the drowsy minghao, returning a cranky look as his sleep got interrupted.

"come on, it isn't that hard to sleep apart for three days!" their teacher complained when jeonghan also decided to wake up and peek over the blanket.

"well, how would you feel when your boyfriend has to sleep in another boys bed!" junhui discussed, making mister lee roll his eyes in a playful way.

"coincidentally, that boy he has to sleep with is taken as well. and they don't even sleep in the same bed! bunkbeds are meant to be two different beds " he replied calm, making everyone in the occupied room chuckle since they were used to both the couples usual clingy behaviour.

"you get the point!"

"does anyone know where jihoon is?" seokmin stood in the middle of their room, being the first one among them who pulled himself together and got up. with a worried look on his face he pointed at the bed soonyoung shared with jihoon, but only soonyoung's bleached hair was visible as the rest of his body hid away underneath the blanket.

"has anyone seen him since last night?" mister lee asked, causing slight panic among the group of teens, "i've been the one who caught him and soonyoung last night! how could we possibly lose him?"

"jihoon isn't one to get up when he finally gets the oppurtunity to lay down. it's strange to think that he went out last night" seungcheol exclaims, finding it oddly strange that he was nowhere to be found.

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