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guess who hasn't slept in three days because of some stupid school project and still wrote an entire chapter at 11 pm? that's right, it's your author:)

"how far have we gone into the forest? i can still hear them scream." wonwoo let out an exhausted sigh. the fear took a lead of his energy and wore him entirely out, his legs barely even able to keep running.

mingyu however, kept a firm grip on his hand so he wouldn't lose wonwoo somehow, his long legs dragging the both of them deeper into the mass of trees. "not far enough yet. i know this sounds horrifying, but let's face it. what if he runs out of students on the camping terrain and there will be no help arrived yet? he won't have any options left beside the woods. let's just make sure we're way ahead of him."

"we're not ahead of him if we're walking in circles, i can literally hear the screaming get louder mingyu. we're nearing the open terrain again but from another side of the woods." wonwoo whined, which accidentally worked on mingyu's nerves.

"you know what, it's hopeless anyways. help won't be here any time soon anyways, in a radius of five miles there isn't even connection, how is help supposed to show up?" mingyu dropped himself on the ground, unintentionally dragging wonwoo along with him to the floor as well. they both rested their backs against a wide tree, taking in a proper breath after what felt like an eternity. while in reality, they only had been strolling through the woods for about fifteen minutes.

"and then you just give up like that? do you want to be shot or anything?" wonwoo complains, trying to get up but being hold back by mingyu. even when it was dark, wonwoo could make out by the position of his eyebrows that the younger was clearly pissed off.

"weren't you the one complaining about walking in circles, huh?" mingyu snapped, jerking back his hand from wonwoo's grip and slamming the back of his own head against the uneven surface of the tree, letting out a groan when he hit harder than expected.

wonwoo rolled his eyes and turned his head in the opposite direction beside him, avoiding mingyu's boiling gaze. "whatever, then we'll just die i guess."

for a brief second the two remained silent, their ears fixated on the screams that went right to the bone. saying they were scared was a huge understatement, even the word terrified couldn't describe what they were feeling.

it felt as if they were captivated in the woods, waiting to be killed as a prey by its hunter. sooner or later they would have to run to a deeper place anyhow, figuring it wouldn't take long for the shooter to enter the forest. they didn't even exactly know what gear he carried along and what they had to look out for.

wonwoo only caught a small glimpse of the unfamiliar man holding a large model gun that shot multiple bullets by keeping the trigger back. a dangerous type of gun in his opinion. it was someone he'd never seen before, making him wonder whatever he did on their terrain.

until his train of thoughts got interrupted by a hand cupping his cheek, turning his head back so he was forced to face mingyu. without a warning, the younger pressed their lips together in a tender kiss, caressing the skin of wonwoo's cheeks in an attempt to calm the tensed boy down.

it was just a short, apologetic peck, showing that the harsh comments he made earlier weren't meant to be said. "i'm sorry won. i didn't mean to release my fear and anger at you, it's just getting at me a little too much."

wonwoo let out a sigh as he leaned a little closer to mingyu, enveloping himself in his warmth. "don't apologize, i wasn't exactly being nice as well." a small trace of a smile appeared on wonwoo's face as he looked directly into mingyu's beautiful dark orbs, examining the reflection of the moon in them and every other little detail he was capable of seeing in the little amount of light.

the amount was just enough to see a tear escaping the corner of mingyu's left eye. the boy who seemed so tough and was feared by many in their school now seemed so vulnerable and open. though it was a situation that held such consequences.

"wonwoo?" are we going to.. you know.." he swallowed away the rising lump that unfortunately stayed present and able for wonwoo to hear "..die?"

and how wonwoo wished there was a way he could reassure the boy with telling that it would be okay. but he knew that if he did so, it would be a lie. how harsh it might sound, it was best to be prepared for the worst scenario.

"i.. i don't know mingyu." wonwoo moved his hand up and wiped away the stray tear that stained his cheek, remaining his hand on that specific spot "i know i can't offer you more than this, but whatever happens tonight, i'll stay with you."

mingyu nodded, more tears rolling down his cheeks, meaning wonwoo could use the opportunity to cup his cheeks with both hands. "won.. i'm so scared.. i'm so sorry i look so weak in front of you.. i'm supposed to be there for you.."

"stop being so harsh on yourself, it's really not a crime to express your feelings. especially in this situation." wonwoo friendly scolded him.

they were so caught up in the moment, they nearly missed the sound coming from the open terrain back at their camping spot. or better said, a lack of noise..

until wonwoo's ears caught it, making him mutter a silent "fuck" underneath his breath, which made mingyu notice it on an instant as well.


a silence more painful and horrifying than the screaming of students they heard up until just a moment ago. a silence so unpredictable, it sent shivers down their spines. as if something was lurking at them from the dark, since they could only see in about a radius of one meter around them.

"mingy-" wonwoo whispered hesitantly, his sentence being cut off by mingyu pressing a hand over his mouth so he was unable to continue. the look in mingyu's eyes gave away he was focused on a specific sound, which wonwoo caught up to once it came closer.


mingyu leaned forwards, nearly pressing his lips all the way against wonwoo's earlobe. "on the count of three, run as hard as you can and follow me. don't let go of my hand, okay?"

all hope that was left drained from wonwoo's body when mingyu interlaced their fingers together, keeping a firm grip on his slim and milky white hand.


i hear his breath. wonwoo thought to himself, hearing the hasty, rough breathing pattern from a middle aged man coming near them.


wonwoo's heart seemed to explode, making him wonder if it was possible to get a heart attack from the tension that hung around them.


and exactly on the count of three several gunshots were heard, followed by the screaming of students who were only a couple of trees away from them. mingyu jerked on wonwoo's hand, pulling him up from the ground and running away from the continuous gunshots that were being fired.

and it seemed to work. hope returned while they kept running on a steady pace, avoiding the roots of the trees that reached ankle height. gunshots started fading, getting farther away and wonwoo realized, they would make it.

until mingyu let out a loud groan and fell to his knees, dragging wonwoo along with him..

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