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It began to snow!

James had spent a lot of time with Zareena lately, mostly because he was going to music classes with her and because he promised to help her learn the guitar. She would always complain about the guitar when she gets frustrated though.

'This guitar is too heavy!' she would scream at the top of her lungs. 'It's too big for my hands!'

'The strings are hurting my little fingers!'

She would scream every time she do something wrong, which was like every time she took the guitar. And James was having a hard time trying to keep his ears attached to his head but it was hilarious sometimes.

She plays the Saxophone pretty good though.

Zareena was opening up to him little by little but she doesn't talk with him during school hours. She prefers to be alone. James still didn't know where she was having lunch. Steph and Dylan also begged her to eat with them but she simply denied them telling that she had to be alone to prepare herself for the next three and half hours of socialization. When they had hang-outs she's usually quiet throughout the whole day. But the weird thing was she wouldn't stop talking when she was alone with him. When James asked why she just shrugged and told,

'I like talking to you'

Like that wasn't obvious.

And once in a while she did some weird stuff too. One day Julie said that she stared at a wall for two and a half hours. The only thing that showed that she wasn't in a shock was that she blinked every once in a while. and when asked she just said that the wall looked interesting. James didn't even know whether she was just joking or she was actually telling the truth. He never knew with Zareena. And some days when James came to teach her the guitar or just to hang-out with her, he'd seen Zareena in nothing but shorts and a T-shirt outside reading a book in December! He wouldn't ask about it though and not going to push her. but, it always ran circles in his mind. It was like she was immune to cold or something. He remembered the first day they met when he was snuggling the jacket he was wearing for more warmth while she just wore a plain t-shirt. And nowadays he could barely feel his hands even when he was wearing gloves and Zareena was waring spring clothes. That girl was crazy!!

Today was the last day of school before the winter holidays and James couldn't wait until school was over. They were planning to go watch the new movie released on two days ago. But James couldn't catch up with Zareena for a week. She wouldn't talk during classes and when they met in the hallway she'd avoid him saying that she has to go somewhere else. She wouldn't come to eat lunch with them and wouldn't reply to any his messages. She just leaves him on seen! And it's starting to get on his nerves.

He was sure that he hadn't done anything wrong, knowingly. But he couldn't help but feel guilty, like he had failed her or something. He knew it was stupid but not being able to talk with Zareena left him in a state he had never experienced before. He never knew he could feel this depressed when someone stopped talking to him. So it was only him, Steph, Dylan and Amy who were going to the movie and Steph complained him that he wasn't trying hard to find Zareena.

'Have you seen her?' Steph asked during lunch.

'She was there for French' he grumbled. He was frustrated cause of the lack of contact with her. He was supposed to look after her and listen to her worries for crying out loud! 'But she was missing in both Math and Biology'

'I didn't see her in the lunch room or in the cafeteria' Amy added.

After like almost a month of hanging with Zareena, Amy was a little less hostile towards her now. But she never said what her problem was. They'd have small talks sometimes and Amy's glares were less terrified when Dylan talked or touched Zareena. It was more like I-will-slap-you kind of glare than an I-will-beat-you-into-a-pulp glare.

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