The miracle of life

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After dragging Joonie out of the office and making it very obvious to everyone in there that we were, very much still together, we went to eat.

I was seriously hungry, close to becoming hangry.

The Lunch we spend it talking and making jokes.

They guys are s funny saying how they wanted to kill Joonie, thinking he cheated on me.

Under the table Joon holds my hands, occasionally he will smile and lightly squeeze my hand nd I would do the same.

We are finishing our meal when my phone goes off.

Checking the caller ID, I see that it is Johnny.

Weird when the scandal came out he gave me the rest of the day off,  of course after I stopped him from leaving the hospital in an attempt to kill my husband and explained that it was me in the picture.

It must be very urgent.

"Sorry, I really need to take this" I apologize to everyone and take the call.

Me: Hey, Is everything okay?

Nonny: How did you know something was wrong?

Me: Because you wouldn't call unless it was urgent.

Nonny: You got me there.

Nonny: Sorry to bother you when I already gave you the day off but I got a call of a cow that went into labor. She is struggling and I cant go and all of our staff  are busy as well

Me: Say no more, send me the address. I'll be there as soon as I can.

Nonny: I'll give the kids your phone number to keep you updated.


Nonny: Yeah they are home alone. Their parents went to get stuff for the farm. They are pretty shaken.

Me: Fine, give them my number. I'll give them a call before leaving.

Nonny: Thank you, sis, I owe you big time.

Me: Oh Shush!  It's no problem at all.

Hanging up Joonie gives me a questioning look but I just shake my head.

As we all part ways with promises of hanging out again, Joonie and I walk to his car.

Getting in I check my phone. I already have a text from the kids.

Unknown:  Latties water broke about 30 minutes ago. She looks like she is in a lot of pain.

Me: I will be there in an hour. Touch her abdomen to feel her contractions. When her stomach hardens that's a contraction. Count how far apart are each contraction. and let me know. please.

Shooting the text I look up only to find Joonie already looking at me.

"Is everything okay?" He asks smiling and my heart flutters.

"Do you have to go back to work?" I ask, Not wanting to part from him.

"I am not really in the mood to go back to work." He admits.

This news makes me smile. "Do you want to come to work with me?" I ask.

"You want  me to come to the clinic?" He asks surprised.

Falling for my Wife. (Namjoon FF)✔Where stories live. Discover now