My Roomie Wife.

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2 months of marriage.

Namjoon's POV

As I am sitting in my office going over a few proposals, my mind keeps going back to my wife. 

Over the past two months, we have gotten to know each other.

At first, things were awkward and the small talk was cringe, but we got past that.

To be honest our dynamic is more of roommates rather than husband and wife.

But it's okay, I want to try and build a friendship with her, after all, we will be spending the rest of our life together.

It was nice to learn things about her, like her favorite color, favorite foods and her love for animals.

She is quite funny and doesn't take herself too seriously, which is refreshing.

I have also bonded with her cat Haku. 

He obviously means a lot to her, whenever she gets home he runs to her and she smothers him until he gets fed up with all her love and leaves.

On occasion, she will chase him around her house and is always pinching his cheeks.

It is really cute to watch.

But over the past month, I have noticed how she comes home later and later.

She is very quiet and sad.

I really want to know what is going on, I'm worried but I don't think we are close enough for me to ask her.

Ugh! It's really frustrating.

I look back at the papers in front of me when I hear "How long are you going to stare at the same paper"

I look up startled seeing  Jin Hyung looking at me concerned.

"How long have been sitting there hyung?" I ask him a bit disoriented.

"For a few minutes, I called you twice but you seem to be out of it. Are you okay Joon?" he says genuinely worried.

I shake my head trying to gather my thoughts.

 I run my hand over my face and sigh.

"I'm just worried I guess" I confess.

"About what Is something wrong with the company? You know we will all help you in anything you need?," he says.

"I know hyung but it's not the company," I tell him as I lean back on my chair.

I am frustrated that I am so worried about her that I can't even get any work done.

"Trouble in paradise?" He guesses.

Getting it all off my chest I tell him."I wouldn't say trouble hyung. I guess I'm just worried. Things have been good. At first, it was awkward but we got past that. We co-live in peace and have gotten to know each other well, but I don't know the past month, Y/N has been coming home later and later and she looks so sad hyung. Like someone kicked her puppy sad. But I feel like we are not that close for me to go up to her and be like 'Hey why are you coming home so late? and why are you so sad"... you know"

I see him take in everything I have said. 

Crossing his leg he speaks. "If you are so worried to the point that you can't work then maybe something is going on, maybe she is going through something. You guys may not be that close but at the end of the day she is still your wife, maybe she needs someone to talk to. What better person than her husband or would you rather she do to another guy to talk about her problems."

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