First anniversary.

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Namjoon POV

Every day since Y/N and I tied the knot, we have been getting closer, our relationship evolving into something so beautiful.

When I look at my wife, I feel so grateful that she is in my life, that I get to spend the rest of my life with someone as amazing as her.

Since she walked into my life she has brought so much life and happiness.

In the blink of an eye, one year has already passed, today being our first wedding anniversary.

I know that our marriage started as an arrangement and at our wedding, she wasn't too happy, neither of us was, we were both worried and scared of what our future would be.

Now we are both happy and excited about our future and all the things we will do together.

That is why today I snuck out of the house while she was sleeping.

For our first anniversary, I planned a second wedding for us.

The proper wedding she deserves and very much her style.

For the past month, I enlisted the help of my family, friends, Y/N's aunt, and Jhonny's entire family.

Everyone was more than willing to help, my mom and Jhonny's mom talked about what Y/N would like at her wedding.

From what I gathered nothing at our first wedding was of her liking or her style, not even the cake or the dress, It broke my heart to know she had no say in one of the most important days of her life.

That is why this time, It will be everything she would ever want and dream of.

Jhonny, Jin my mom, and Jhonny's mom who was on facetime all looked for the perfect dress Y/N would like and love.

This time we will be doing it  American style, I won't get to see her until Jhonny's dad walks her down the aisle.

I am at my parent's house now, I brought Kevin and Haku with me who are both going to be wearing collars with black ties as they are part of the wedding party.

Jhonny's parents and sisters are all here as well, they are staying over at my parent's place since they have the extra rooms.

Y/N is in for a surprise of epic proportions.

The excitement and nervousness are eating at me, I mean I already know I love her and have my whole life with her, I just hope she loves this.

We all begin to head out to the wedding venue, walking in for sure the place is nothing like our first wedding.

Everything is green and white, very earthy.

There is one long table where we will all be sitting together to eat

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There is one long table where we will all be sitting together to eat.

"Oh yeah! This is more her style. Good job brother-in-law" Katie says punching my arm lightly.

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