Chapter 2 - She's my bestfriend

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George and I walked hand in hand towards the Great Hall , behind us walked Fred and Lee. We entered the Great Hall and walked over to the Gyriffindor table . I sat inbetween the twins , George to my right and Fred to my left. 

All the first years got sorted into there houses and of course Dumbledore did his speech that he does every year. 

" DIG IN EVERYONE , ENJOY THE FOOD" Dumbledore said 

We all grabbed food from the middle of the table and started shoving food in ours mouth. I look over and see Hermione and Harry laughing at Ron . I turn my head to see Ron and he has a chicken leg sticking out of his mouth . I started laughing and soon the twins joined in after seeing their brothers face. 

We were finishing up our dinner ,  when all of a shudden Ginny looked like she was going to punch someone in the face. 

"Ginny ! , you okay " I whispered across the table 

" Malfoy is coming towards us" she said with disdain in her voice. 

The twins and I turn around to see Malfoy walking towards us , just like Ginny was saying . He never comes over here I thought to my self. 

"Hey Quinn  " said a whiny high pitched voice , the voice was coming from behind me and I knew it was Draco from the sound of the evil in his voice. I slowly turn around to be met with Draco's stern look on his face. He smirked at the twins before begining to speack. 

" How was spending Summer break with the Weasley MUDBLOOD!?'' Draco shouted so he got the attention most people in the room. Before I could even  respond George was standing up and was very close to Malfoy's face , quickly Fred  stood up and was in Draco's face as well. 

Draco stepped back. 

" Why would you hangout with a mudblood like Quinn? " he questioned the boys .

" Because unlike you Malfoy we don't care is she is muggle-born , she is still an amazing witch and has the right to be here" Fred announce very loudly so most of the Great hall could hear him. 

" Mudblood " Draco spat.

" Say that one more time about her and you'll regret it Malfoy " George responded with an angry tone in his voice. 

I hardly ever hear George angry and when he is its because someone is either insulting his family or me , but like I said its rare . Normally he ingores them , but not this time I thought to myself.

"MUDBLOOD !" Draco spat again. 

Before I knew it George punched Draco in the face and Draco fell down hitting the foor and passing out. I stood up and pulled George into a hug , after a few mintues I let go and turned around and pulled Fred into a big hug as well.

" You three , my office now " Dumbledore yelled pointing at us 

The three of us began to walk out of the Great Hall . Everyone was still in shock that George punched Draco in the face , except for  Harry , Ron , Lee , Hermione and Ginny who were clapping and yelling out 'yess George , sticking up from your girl" as we walked out.  I turned to George and grab his hand. Geroge looked down and gave my hand a little squeeze.

'' Thank you Georgie , but you didn't have to that !" I mumbled under my breath 

Geroge stopped walking and turned to me. 

" Of course I did Quinny" He replied with a smile on his face. He gave me a big hug and kissed my forehead.

Fred coughed making sure that we knew he was still there. George and I both turned to face Fred, letting go of each other .He was smiling and looking at us.

''Thank you too Freddie . I love you both " I whispered as I pulled them both into a hug 


'' WHY DID YOU PUNCH DRACO MALFOY IN THE FACE???"Dumbleodre yelled at the three of us, as sat down in his office.

" Because he was insulting some I love and he got what he deserved" George declared to Dumbledor. 

" Not good enough! All you have to do is apologise to Draco  !" responsed Dumbledor. 

" Bloody hell !! NO , I won't apolpgise . I stood up from my best friend. She is my best friend !!!,      I WILL NOT APOLOGISE , He insulted her !!!" George yelled back at him . 

I felt so happy that George was defending me . I grab hold of his hand and intertwined my fingers into his. He looked down at our hands and smiled before  rasing his head back up to Dumbledor.

''DETENTION !! All three of you " Dumbledore announced. 

George and Fred were about to say something before I stood up . 

" Okay , we are going to head back to our Common Room now" I said as I pulled the twins out of Dumbledors office.

We walk back to our Common Room and told the group what happened, they weren't happy either. 


Hey Guys !!! I really hoped you enjoyed the second chapter. I cringed a little while writing this . George is cute when he is in over -protective boyfriend mode. HAHAH <3

Anways thanks for reading .Have a great day xx


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