Chapter 19

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A/N, this is a long chapter and I'm actually quite proud of it, coz I'm sleep deprived and kinda did a good job on it anyway. Enjoy the next 1223 words.

Tessa's POV:

I let out a scream and clapped my mouth shut in horror. I was still trembling from my nightmare that I had woken up in a cold sweat from. Tears poured out of my eyes like rain and ran down my cheeks.

I was doing a lot better this last couple weeks. I had been taking my meds and speaking with a therapist every now and then, but my nightmares still came back to haunt me.

I wish that was all they were; nightmares. But they weren't nightmares. They were memories. Painful memories.

⚠️TW - there will be many triggers in my book as I have previously stated. I may forget to put warnings at every moment. If these trigger you a lot, I suggest you stop reading now. ⚠️⚠️

I tried to stay quiet as I reached under my bed to pull out a shard of glass. I didn't do it often but when the nightmares got bad...

I sliced my upper thigh. Wrists were too noticeable. After my third cut I heard my door fly open.

"Fanculo! Fottuto inferno!" Ace's voice cut through the otherwise silent room like a knife.

(Fuck! Fucking hell!)

"You can't do this Tessa!" He growled and grabbed the glass angrily from my hand. Tears formed in my eyes and blood continued to drip slowly out of my leg.

"B-bu-"  I spluttered out.

"We have cameras god damn it! I heard you wake up screaming so I checked them and-" He ran his hands through his hair frustratedly and turned away from me.

"I'm sorry.."

"You're sorry?! You're fucking sorry?!" He whirled around. "No Tessa. You can't walk around with cuts up you and pretend we don't notice. You can hate yourself as much as you want but you can't lay a hand on yourself if it is to cause you pain."

I pulled my leg up to my chest and he sat on the bed, dragging my leg back down, to examine my cuts, I assumed.

He brought out some bandages and carefully wrapped them around my leg. There goes the sparks again.

When he was done, I was silently crying again. He brought my hands down from my face and wiped away the tears with his thumb.

"As much as you hate it, you are here for life now and you aren't allowed to die like this." With that, his warm hands left my face and he walked out of the room, half slamming the door behind him.


I sat at the kitchen table quietly eating my toast. I wore an oversized maroon Cleveland basketball jersey with black leggings and two braids.

Ace walked into the kitchen eyeing me up and down before grabbing some breakfast for himself.

"Morning." I gulped, I didn't know how to react after last night.

"Morning Tessa." The way he said my name send tingles up my spine.

"You look....nice." He looked me up and down again.


"But I bet you'd look nicer with those clothes off."

Before I could even reply, Selene and Jasmine sauntered into the kitchen, still half asleep.

Ace looked at them before smirking and sending a wink my way. He walked out of the kitchen, briefly passing me and whispering, "good luck."

"You guys look tired." I looked at them.

"Couldn't sleep all night, I ended up going into Jasmines room and I woke her up." Selene yawned.

"I was sleeping perfectly fine before this ass woke me up. She insisted we sleep in your room but we couldn't find it and I didn't want to wake you up." Jasmine fake glared at Selene before whispering to me sympathetically, "I heard you crying and and saw Ace go in. As much as I wanted to help you, I understood you probably needed your space at first."

"Thankyou." I smiled before returning to my toast.

"Hey!" Selene half shouted. "We should go shopping! To wake ourselves up!"

"Well I think we're awake now. Us and the other half of the mansion." I laughed, before adding, "I'm kidding. I would love to go."

"Me too! Meet by the front in two hours?" Jasmine suggested and we all agreed, heading to our rooms to get ready.


I faintly knocked on Ace's office door before walking in. "Fuck! Shit I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" I slammed the door back shut with my eyes closed.

I had walked in on Ace railing some blonde girl on his desk and I would never be able to get that image out of my mind.

"Fuck!" I heard Ace groan from inside before I heard a belt being pulled up. "Get out." He growled and the girl sashayed out of Ace's room and down the hall.

I hid my face in my hands and turned around with my eyes closed as I saw Ace come outside with just his pants on and his hair messy.

"Tessa." He groaned. "Why didn't you fucking knock first."

"I'm sorry. I did. I clearly just didn't do it loud enough." I mumbled.

"Turn around Tessa."

I followed instructions but kept my hand up. He grabbed my hands and gently pulled them away from my face, not knowing my eyes were still shut.

"Open your eyes Tessa."

I did so cautiously before rambling out, "me and the girls want to go shopping. Can I go? I'm sorry, I should've just asked Gio."

"Gio is away for a few weeks, he has a job. You can go just..stay safe."

"Thankyou and I'm sorry again." I blushed.

He smirked, "wait here." He disappeared into his office before coming out with a gold card. "Use my credit card, but anything you want ok?"

"I can't do that!" I spoke, but knew it was no use; when ace wanted something, he got it.

He forced it into my hand before smirking again.



"My feet hurt!" Jasmine groaned as she started to slow down.

"Mine too." Selene and I spoke simultaneously.

"Jinx!" We laughed.

We bought a lot of stuff, although I felt guilty for using Ace's card.

"Let's go put these things in the car." Jasmine chuckled.

We had to walk through an alleyway to get to our car which was parked in a quiet street, a small walk away from the shops.

The girls and I were laughing as I felt someone put their hand around my neck and begin to choke me from behind.

I clawed at their hands are realised the girls had also been grabbed, their bags dropping to the floor.

"Please let- let them go!" I managed out before the deep voices starting speaking Italian.

The man whirled me into a wall and held me, his hands dropping from my neck while I gasped for air.

The other two men that held Selene and Jasmine stabbed needles into their necks and their panicked faces relaxed as they became limp.

"What did you do?!" I shouted.

"They'll be fine, they're just asleep for a while."

Before I could try to fight back, I felt a sharp pain in my neck as well and the world around me began to fade....

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