Chapter 27

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It felt as though it had been years since the conversation with Ryan. I sat in my room, head in hands, overthinking every last moment. I checked my clock.

"An hour?!" I exclaimed. Surely it had been ages ago. I wasn't afraid to take down some of the worst men in the mafia. But this. This I was afraid of.

I was loyal. It was one of the biggest things I believed in. And yet, my body urged me to against those beliefs. I ran my fingers through my hair and stiffly stood up.

I slowly made my way to my bathroom mirror, rubbing my eyes from the severe lack of sleep I'd been getting. Sure enough, I had bags under my eyes and my face was paler than normal. I twirled my brown wavy hair which fell to the bottom of my breasts. I wondered if I looked like my family. I could remember some bits of them but not images.

I remember my mother.

She was loving and caring and I remembered she protected me. I could picture her smile that could soothe the darkest hearts and calm the most terrifying seas. But I also remember her dying.

I remembered my father.

He was a drunk. Even before my mother died. He hit me sometimes if he got too drunk. I tried making myself believe that he loved me. At least once. But of the things I remembered, he never did.

I started vaguely remembered my sister.

She was mean. A bully. But jokes on her because I'm the murderer. She is nothing compared to who I am now. And her little insults mean almost as much as she did to me. Nothing.

I decided to grab my phone.

There was no turning back now.

I shakily typed in his number. I began to worry as the phone got onto the third ring, but on the fourth I finally got an answer.

"You finally called gorgeous."

"Ryan. We need to meet up."

We exchanged the details and I begun to get ready once again. With every step, my brain told me to stop and turn back to the mansion. But I didn't listen.

I finally got to a corner cafe. It was bizarre to picture a mafia boss in such a light-hearted place but maybe that was the point. We mimicked those around us. Those of good people because our own hearts were too tainted with sin to be real people.

No one would guess Ryan and I were murderers in this upbeat small store.

Ryan was waiting in a booth for me, having already ordered my coffee. "Thanks." I said sitting down and guzzling a quarter of it. My mouth was burning but I didn't care, my mouth had become so dry with stress.

"I'm glad you had a change of heart, considering how much they lied to you." He chuckled.

I blinked a couple times slow.

"What do you mean lied?" I quizzed growing rapidly confused by the second.

"When you had your accident. You know after you got kidnapped by your abusive dad and then the car and-"

His voice drained out as painful images filled my mind.

I was remembering.

Something had triggered these memories and they were attacking my brain. It felt as though a dam wall had collapsed.

I remembered the beatings.

The killings.

The torture.

The men.

My father.




"Are you ok?" Ryan smirked over table, but covered it as best he could.

"I trusted them." Angry tears pooled in my eyes. "I don't trust people but I trusted them. And they were no better than the people I grew up with."

"We won't lie. We look after our people gorgeous." Ryan touched my hand and gave a sympathetic smile.

"I'm in. Pick me up in an hour."

I stormed out of the cafe. My head throbbed with information and my heart physically hurt me. I thought I finally had people to trust.

I slammed open the doors and Selene and Jasmine were sitting on the couch.

"Hey where'd you go?" Selene asked, standing up.

"You bitch!" I spat. "I trusted you!"

I lunged at her, my hand firmly around her throat as Jasmine tried desperately to pull me off.

I dug my nails into the flesh of her nail, seeing red.

But as quick as I had grabbed her, someone had grabbed me.

Ace was holding me apart from my "friends" as struggled to get out of his grasp.

Selene and Jasmine looked at me as though I'd grown two heads.

Gio came rushing downstairs, two at a time and stared in horror at the scene before him.

"What the fuck is wrong?!" Ace finally let me go after thrashing around enough.

I kept a wary eye on Selene who was still clutching her throat and panting.

"You lied to me. I remember everything. You said you would help me. You blatantly lied." I looked at each one of them, not quite sure to kill or cry.

"Ace. He threatened our families Tess." Jasmine's own tears spilled out falling onto the ground where her eyes were, guiltily.

"I thought I finally had people to love me. But you are like all the others." My voice broke at the end.

I took that as my opportunity to run upstairs and pack whatever was in my room, including some weapons.

When I came downstairs, everyone was still waiting for me.

Gio stepped out and put his hand on my shoulder. "Tessa.."

"No! I thought better of you." I used a knife to scratch his forearm, removing it from my body as I did so.

I stormed out of the building and Ryan was sitting in the car waiting for me.

I got in and stared out the window, not even acknowledging him.

How had I gotten into this mess?

I am so sorry it has been so long. I've been writing this chapter over the course of the month. I know the plot lines for relationships, just not the actual plot. I know what to write just not how to write. I do apologise for my infrequent updating.

Also ABBIE if you are reading this please don't. It makes me feel insecure and upset. But I still love you.

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