Chapter 26

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It was show time.

I walked into the expensive club, the smell of alcohol and sex filled my senses. Hot bodies brushing up against each other on the dancefloor and drunks sitting at the bar. I made a beeline to the bar of only men.

10 minutes and a few drinks later, a middle-aged man approached me. His teeth were stained yellow from constant smoking and he already looked 50. His hair had tinges of grey, as grey as the puff of smoke he blew at me.

I stifled a cough, trying to remain in character as I flashed him a smile and wriggled my boobs so more was shown. He made it obvious as he checked me out. "Hey gorgeous."

I rolled my eyes and muttered, "Old man."

He grabbed my chin with his grubby hands and made me look directly into his bloodshot eyes, "You don't speak to me like that."

"Yes sir," I looked up at him through my eyelashes, still in character.

"Lovely. What's your name hot stuff."

"Oh it's mind your own business.." He glared at me "Buttt, you can call me Liv." I slurred just for dramatics.

My suspicions were confirmed as he grinned, "Markos"

"How about we go somewhere a little but more private?" I downed my last drink and he held my waist leading me up a flight of guarded stairs.

Once we were inside a bedroom, he started trying to feel me up. "I'm going to have so much fun with you sexy."

"So am I." I said flirtatiously before grabbing his arm and shoving it behind his back.

"What the f-" I cut him off by pushing him to the floor.

He used this as his opportunity to push me off him as I slid into the wall.

"You bitch." I brought my hand up to my nose, seeing it was now bleeding.

He grabbed my leg, dragging me, but I managed to kick out his knee and crawl to my feet.

He also clambered up and I threw a few punches at him, getting punched back.

He only dodged about 10% of my punches whereas I was dodging almost all of his.

I threw a sloppy punched and he threw me over his shoulder karate style.

He walked away, towards a gun that I hadn't seen before. I ran and jumped onto his back trying to pull him away as he tried bucking me off.

Furniture on tables was smashing as he tried knocking me into the wall. It resulted in us both falling before I grabbed the knife strapped to my thigh and threw it at his shoulder.

He cried out in agony and I quickly stabbed the needle into him, laughing as I watched him fall unconscious.

"It's done." I said into my earpiece, "God, I need a drink."

I walked casually back down the stairs, wiping some blood from my lip.

I sat down and ordered another round of shots before another man approached me.

"You took out my target." He whispered into my ear, sending shivers up my spine before sitting down and winking at me.

"Who are you?" I gritted my teeth.

"Orian Summers. Ryan for short." He grinned and downed his first shot and I followed suit.

"You already know me." I rolled my eyes.

"Good observations Tessa. I came with a proposal. I'm from the American mafia. We want you to be our spy for the Italian mafia. We've been watching you do your missions and we want you on our side."

"Wh- b- I-" I spluttered not knowing what to say.

"Call me babe." He slid over a piece of paper, downed his last shot and walked calmly out of the club doors.

I took another shot and just stared at the number.

I have friends in the italian mafia, I couldn't leave them. But I also felt like something was being hidden from me. At least this man talked to me, my current boss only glares at me or completely ignores me.

Wait was I seriously considering his offer. This was stupid I couldn't just switch sides.

I decided to leave the club, holding my head as the stress headache begun to take affect.


I'm sorry that I haven't updated in almost a month. I've been going through stuff but it isn't an excuse and I feel terrible for making everyone wait.

I did not plan this chapter it kind of just happened and this means I have to slightly change the middle plot. Ew.

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