11 | Spicy Salmon Roll

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"How's the pregnancy going?"

"Awful. The baby keeps kicking, and I'm having some sushi cravings right now. One Spicy Salmon Roll, please."

*stifles a laugh*

"Of course, ma'am. Same price, same guy."

"What are you having for lunch?"

"Some pulled pork sandwiches. I recently got back into cooking and made some last night. They look pretty good, but I'm worried about the taste..."

"Oh? I didn't know you can cook. What made you stop cooking?"

"Nothing in particular. Just stopped for a while, but about three days ago, I was bored out of my mind and decided to cook myself something."

"Bam! Pulled pork sandwiches."

"Can you make me something one day?"

"Sure. I'm going to make you a freaking awesome meal—so awesome that even Gordon Ramsay himself will approve of it!"

"That's a big statement, you know. Gordon Ramsay is the ultimate chef. He's Bob Ross, but in the cooking world."

"I, Chef Nick, will surpass Gordon Ramsay. Just watch me!"

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