9 | Special Nigiri Set

128 11 5

"Why pots and pans?"

"They're really loud and perfect to use if you want to call someone down, but you're too lazy to go up yourself."

"That's actually a genius idea. I would rather hear banging pots and pans instead of my name being called over and over and over again."

"Great minds think alike."

"What's it gonna be for this afternoon?"

"The Special Nigiri Set, please. I haven't had one in a long time, and I got super excited when I saw the special menu! I didn't even know a special menu existed until this morning."

"Same price, same guy."

"And yeah, we offer specials every once in a while. There are some pretty awesome ones this time around; the Nigiri Set is definitely one of the more popular ones. Had fifteen orders placed for it this morning."

"Now sixteen, counting you."

"Yaay, I'm so excited to eat today! I mean, I'm excited to eat every day, but today is different."


"If you're happy, then I'm happy. Happy customer, happy Nick."

"So! I came up with an awesome sushi-related pun last night. Wanna hear it?"

"Let's hear it."

"You're soy awesome!"

"Are you soy about that?"

"A pun for a pun, nice!"

"And yeah, totally! You're awesome in my book. On a scale from plain soy sauce to soy sauce with wasabi, your awesomeness level is soy sauce with wasabi for sure."

"That's a compliment, by the way."


"I'm flattered, thank you. You're soy sauce with wasabi too."

"Oh, stop. You're making me blush."

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