4 - lunch break 🍽🐹

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"HELLO JIMMY, MAKKA PAKKA"Makka Pakka exclaimed.

"Hey Makka Pakka!" Replied Jimmy.
"I'll wait here for you while you get your Daddy pig bacon."


Iggle Piggle woke up after taking a nap in James C's desk draw, and appeared next to Jimmy with his 'My Little Pony' lunch bag.

"OH SHIT!" Screamed Jimmy ,like a girl, when he saw Iggle Piggle staring at him from only 1mm away.

"Sorry I was just sniffing you to see if your sent is different today than it was yesterday." Iggle Piggle explained.

He opened his lunch box to reveal a big goo-y lump of raw lamb.

"What in the fuckity fuck is THAT" Jimmy asked, concerned.

"They didn't let me bring in my hamster" sighed Iggle Piggle.

Jimmy was looking around for Makka Pakka, hoping he would be back soon with a normal lunch, while also not so subconsciously pushing Iggle Piggle off of the bench.

"Makka! Over here!"

"OH HELLO HEHEHHEH"Makka P replied.

While he was walking over, Jimmy was daydreaming at Makka Pakkas abs and imagining his life with him, with 2 kids, (Makka Pakka pregnant with the 3rd child) a little house (preferably next door to Peppa Pig), a big Lamborghini with their wedding picture on the hood and a pet hippo named rock.

They ate their lunch very quickly that day.

"I need to shit, can you wait in the bathroom with me?" Jimmy asked.

"OK HEHEHE MAKKA PAKKA" Makka P responded.

When they got in there, Jimmy didn't shit. He shut the door and kissed Makka. Apparently he tasted of mouldy pasta, but he didn't care.
One of the cubicles opened, and James Charles came out simply just watching them.

"LE GASP"James C sister shook.

The room suddenly stank worse than Iggle Piggle, it turns out Jimmy actually did shit after all.

- smakka pakka

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