9 - Two choices, pick the right one

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Surprisingly Sandra called to apologise for her behaviour and lucky for her I was in so much of a good mood because of Jermaine, I didn’t call her out on her attitude that had been an issue the minute I arrived. She told me I could have the week off and preparations would resume back on Monday, which I was merely okay with. I had an exciting weekend emerging and nothing was going to erase the happiness that bounced within my emotions.

That was of course until I stepped outside of Selfridges in the west end, welcomed to the heavy rain that showed no mercy drenching people with its gush of droplets. Unfortunately buses were on diversion and my bus was due for another 15 minutes; I groaned in harmless agony, already feeling agitated. The hotel wasn’t that far from where I was but that didn’t help the fact that I was carrying a vase amount of bags upon bags. I had decided to do some Christmas shopping, as well as buying clothes for me and Jermaine’s trip away – if you know what I mean.

I began my march up oxford street brushing pass many that ran in different directions, trying to dodge the bullets of rain that shot water upon all and trying to take cover. It was only when a black BMW drove up beside me, that my heart jumped and skipped a beat with fright causing the rain to be the least of my concern. The window rolled down and Cameron’s face appeared. Just my luck! I whispered under my breath as he signalled for me to get in.

“It’s alright, the hotel isn’t that far from here; I can walk it” I replied, continuing my journey. He honked his horn, catching up to me as I walked away.

“Don’t be so stupid Kiss, get in the car” He demanded and I shook my head no very stubbornly. “Get in the car, it’s raining, it’s cold and your loaded with bags; let me drop you home, all personal issues aside here now” He added and I sighed, reluctantly giving in.

“Now, was that so hard?” He sarcastically beamed, driving off once I angrily slammed the passenger door shut.

“Yes very hard actually” I hummed, with a pout trying to make myself comfortable amongst the bags that piled up beneath me. Cameron didn’t reply, he licked his lips driving ahead into the traffic, at the corner of his eyes I felt his gaze positioned onto me but paid him no attention.

“Don’t you think it’s funny that out of all the days we could have bumped into each other, fate chooses today; considering yesterday we were supposed to meet up?”

“No, I don’t find anything about this funny”

I replied coldly trying to make it more obvious that I had no intentions having a conversation with him, let alone being in his car. His speed reduced and he slowly drove into the parking lot where he parked the car. Without another word shared, I used this to my advantage attempting to rush out. Cameron as sly as he was, locked the door just in time, holding a mischievous smirk on his face.

“What’s the rush is James waiting for you upstairs?”

If only looks could kill, I’m sure Cameron would have been 6ft under for such a smart comment that he knew would only annoy me.

“It’s Jermaine and that is none of your business”

“What’s your problem?” He questioned a puzzled tone in his voice.

“My problem is that I want to leave and you’ve locked the doors, I appreciate the lift but I’d rather go inside than sit out here and conversate with you”

“Why, what have I done now? Fuck man! I’m tired of you women and your hyped hormones, all you guys ever do is complain, moan, shout, scream, throw a tantrum like a toddler and talk shit”

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