11 - The last kiss...

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My heart thumped viciously against my chest which didn’t help the sweat that began to leak through my pours, I gulped once I heard the door unlock and braced myself for it to be opened then slammed shut in my face. Surprisingly, he opened the door and left it ajar; I walked in, following him into the living room. He slumped nonchalantly in the sofa, switching the channel over to another then glaring up at me with a blank face.

“Did you just come here to stand in silence or was there something you wanted?”

The coldness in his voice told me that what had happened in Paris still stung and if not then burned him. I cleared my throat sitting at the edge of the sofa ensuring that there was sufficient space between us.

“What is it you want Kiss because as you can see I’m busy and would prefer if I was alone”

He mumbled though the frustration still managed to present itself in his tone.

“Saying sorry isn’t enough, actions speak louder than words and I wish to prove how much I really like you and really want to be with you”

The room wasn’t entirely silent, though Jermaine’s lips didn’t even quiver to indicate he was going to reply. His focus on the flat screen television remained still and concentrated, my heart continued to pound and the little chance of him forgiving me that lingered in my thoughts furthered its distance each second I waited for his response.

“Who is he?” He finally asked, his eyes now connecting with mine, the smile that danced at the corner of my lips couldn’t be prevented; he looked extremely attractive.

“An old friend” I whispered and he kissed his teeth, turning his gaze back onto the television as if I wasn’t worth looking at anymore.

“Don’t bullshit me Kiss, I’m not a fool. Who is he?” He repeated the question and the little voice in my head told me to tell him the truth. I took another deep breath and nodded to compose myself.

“He was my first love; we broke up four years ago. Memories of me and him consumed my thoughts once I returned to my old neighbourhood and I began to wonder how he was doing, how his life turned out and what he was doing with himself”

The truth? Well the truth intertwined with a few bits and bobs, avoiding the fact that me and Cameron had got together and had sex, kissed, touched, did almost everything sexual then revealed how much we really loved each other. So yeah, it was the truth right?

“So do you still love him?”

Yes. Most certainly, of course I do, I haven’t stopped loving Cameron and I doubt I will ever.


Do you want to be with him?”

Yes. No. I’m confused. I want to be with you but I also want to be with Cameron and I know he’s getting married and it’s wrong because I’m influencing him to commit infidelity but I can’t stop, I’ve tried, but I just love him... a lot and I can’t fight it anymore.

“No, I want to be with you and only you; Cameron doesn’t mean anything to me anymore”

“Have you spoken to him?”

Yes, he was just with me; in my hotel room he even dropped me here. Oh no! This sounds awful. Am I a bad person? Of course I’m a bad person; I shouldn’t even be here when I know I’ll still be seeing Cameron. But I want you too, you’re lovely, gorgeous, and pleasant and you have all the elements in the perfect man. Honestly, I feel confused and I shouldn’t take it out on you but a part of me feels that this is right, me and you, that you’re good for me and me and Cameron are history, he should stay with Sandra but.. It’s unexplainable.

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