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"I'd think twice before I spoke, Breeanne Leopold," the Dark Lord shot a beam of red light my way that tightened invisible hands on my throat. "From now on, no matter who your parents are, you belong to me. I'll be calling on you soon, my child. Don't disappoint me."

My prayers were answered as he waved his Death Eaters off and one by one, they Disapparated, leaving only Draco, Narcissa, and me on the bedroom floor. The whirlwind of what had just happened hit me like a train, and I collapsed into a ball on the floor, sobbing at what I'd lost. All identity of who I was...or who and what I thought I was, my past, my parents, my future....everything.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered, throwing my tired apology into oblivion, praying that my parents would hear it. "I'm so, so, so sorry."




I'd failed to protect her, again. As soon as I realized he'd gone, and I wasn't fighting Dolohov and my father anymore, I ran to her side and held her as she cried. My mother draped herself around us and sobbed with us, for the innocence lost. Yet another child she'd failed to protect. I mourned her loss with her.

"Why did you do that?" I held her face in my hands, shaking her. "Why were you so stupid?"

"I'm not just letting you die," she leaned her cheek into my palm. "I'm going to fight for you. Even if you don't want me on your team, it doesn't change the fact I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

"Barnes," the words tumbled out of my mouth as I reached back to smooth her hair. Her face blotchy with tears, her hair strewn from where it was pulled back and falling in wisps against her face, sweat dripping down her neck...she'd never looked more beautiful. "I love you."

I heard my mother's faint gasp, but it felt like all of the chaos melted away as I tilted her head forward and met her lips to mine. 

I'd never known what the words meant. How they felt. But she was all I ever needed to know.

"I love you right back, Draco Malfoy."

"I mean it when I say it," I helped her off of the ground and supported her swaying weight against me. "When we get back, it all changes. It's you and me, Bree."

"You said that before," she laughed weakly. "Now look at me."

"And I'll hate myself everyday of my life for it. But I am looking at you, and thank Salazar Slytherin I am. You're radiant, Barnes."

"Even like this?" she forced a laugh. "The flattery has got to stop, Malfoy, you'll give me an ego or something."

"As you should," I placed my hands on her waist firmly. "There is no one out there like you."

My mother coughed gently, making us look up. "Draco, darling, Bree. I hate to interrupt, but you ought to get going if you're going to catch the train in an hour. And you must get yourselves cleaned off before you go back. People talk," she sighed as if she wanted to continue, but didn't. "Chrysanthe's running the showers, dear. Go ahead."

I pulled Bree into me and stood there with her for a minute, breathing in her scent. I rested my chin on the crown of her head, promising her I'd never go. Not for a second. 

"Look at me, " I withdrew the box from my jacket pocket. I'd put a concealment charm on it as soon as I'd felt my Mark burn in Hogsmeade. "I want you to have this." Her eyes searched mine as I pulled back the top to reveal a diamond-encrusted platinum black ring with a single emerald protruding at the center. "Oh, Draco-" her hands flew up to cover her mouth. "It's beautiful." She looked at me, eyes wide. "I can't take this."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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