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2:37 am

I slipped out into the hall, careful to not let the door slam and to wake Kaycee. Cate and Pansy still weren't back from their dates with Diggory and Zabini, and I was only hoping that I wouldn't run into them. I closed my eyes, blinking back tears as I held the letter I'd received from Emmaline tightly in my palm, the parchment wrinkling under the pressure. In it, she begged me not to forget her, but told me that it was the only, and last, time that the family would let her write to me. Her last sentences repeated over and over in my head. I don't know where you are, but if we're even in the same world, look up at the stars for a minute tonight. We'll see the same ones, just like we did in Willow Meadow when we were kids. I'll be watching.

There was a map of the school right outside of the common room, so I moved quietly and quickly, trying not to let a sob escape my throat. Suddenly, my foot caught in a lump on the floor, and I slipped, the thud of my shoe sounding like a train rushing through the broken silence. My breath hitched in my throat as I saw a light flicker on and the shadow of someone appear at the end of the hallway. I quickly ducked around a corner and pressed myself against the wall, breathing heavily. 

A hand snaked around my mouth and before I could scream, pulled me closer into darkness.

"What the hell are you doing, Barnes?" 

As my eyes adjusted to the darkness, the brightness of Draco Malfoy's eyes met them, blazing with anger. "You know you could get yourself killed, slinking around here like you're a...dementor or something."

"Oh thank Merlin, it's just you." my shoulders heaved a sigh of relief. My nose twitched as I was hit with a wave of cologne that smelled vaguely of burnt wood and and bergamot. (AN: if you get this reference...ily...) "Merlin's beard, Malfoy, could you have anymore of that on?"

"Calm down, Barnes," he shook his head. "I believe I was in the middle of asking you a question before you so rudely interrupted."

He seemed like he was kidding. Again, a different Draco every minute. "Well with your ever-so-erratic mood swings," I shot back, "I'm not sure which Draco I'm answering."

"Consider this me in the mood to be forgiving," he shook his head. "I'm on my way somewhere. Just tell me you're going back to your room from wherever...as long you weren't pulling a Moaning Myrtle with some Gryffindor boy.."

"And if I was?" If looks could kill, I'd have been dead. "Jealous, Malfoy?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"Hardly," he coughed as if repulsed by the idea. "Just would be a new low for our house."

"Lower than two of us being caught right here, right now?"

"You're with me," he said, almost quizzically. "Why would we get in trouble?"

"I forgot," I elbowed him, but no response. "My last name means nothing here."

He rolled his eyes. "So much for being a pureblood," he scoffed. "I have about one more minute to waste on this conversation."

"Fine," I shrugged, but only because he could help me and was a lot closer than risking my skin to get to that map. "I need somewhere that has a good view of the stars. If you can't help me, fine, if you want to go get Snape, fine, but I need to go-"He put up his hand to cut me off. He opened his mouth, and I braced myself for the sharpness that was going to come from his barb-ridden tongue, but instead, his shoulders released from his previous tension, and he closed his eyes as he exhaled slowly. "You won't find anywhere better than the astronomy tower."

"They have one of those here?" was the only sentence I could form. Was Draco Malfoy actually just...helpful?

"Yeah," he said absentmindedly, a distant look growing in his eyes. Then something seemed to shift, as he turned back to focus on me. "It's where I was going too, actually."

you're my person-a draco malfoy storyWhere stories live. Discover now