The Party

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You exit your room and went down the stairs to the living room, then out back to the backyard, the place the party was taken. You saw that everyone was already there. Slenderman saw you and walked over to you. wasn't Slenderman. It was a man that looked like Slenderman but had a mouth filled with sharp teeth. He had a trench coat wearing nothing under it and a hat. He had black boots and black jeans.

" must be Scar~Slendy told me all about you~I'm Offender, Slendy's brother, nice to meet you~" he said seductively.

"Fuck off, bitch!" you glare and walk away. You couldn't deal with raping perverts right now. He grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you into his chest. He put one hand on your back

"Aw babe, you don't want to have fun~? Why~? Do you not like me~?" he asked. This time, Slenderman and 2 other people that look like Slenderman saw you and started making their way towards you. You didn't appreciate this and you weren't really a talkative person so you uppercut(when you punch a person from below to above, if that makes sense) his chin causing him to lose his grip on you and lose his balance. He stumbled back but before he could regain balance you kicked his chest causing him to fall.

" hit hard, woman." he managed to say. The 3 Slendermans made their way here.

"Scar are you alright?" Slenderman asks.

"Yeah I'm fine." you say. You were not fine. You were shaken by the fact that that pervert actually managed to get his hands on you. It brought back painful memories.

"Hey! What about me! I'm the one who got hit!" Offender said and winced in pain.

"Well you deserve it, Offender. I guess that's why your name is Offender right? Cause you offend all the women." said a guy that looked like Slenderman but instead had pink cheeks, black mouth and black eyes and was wearing a polka dot hat and suit. He laughed to himself.

"Scar, meet Splendor, Trender and the other one's Offender." Slenderman said.

"Nice to meet y'all, not." you say.

"Slendy you picked quite a rude girl." Trender said. You roll your eyes.

"Scar, be nice." Slenderman said then blushes realizing what you're wearing. You caught him staring.

"Yo.......hello?" you waved your arm around to bring him back to Earth.

"Oh! Sorry, I spaced out again." he said embarrassed.

"It's fine. What took you so long to recognize me?" you ask him.

"Slendy and Splendor were having an argument, again." Trender said.

"Pfffffff...Slendy." you mumble. Slendy blushed.

"So....Slendy, I think for once we can agree to take care of Offender?" Splendor came over holding Offender in one tentacle. His tentacles had rainbow polka dots on it with a bell at the end of it.

"Yes. Of course we will. Because Offender cannot even try to resist touching women!!!" Slendy said clearly angry.

"They're so sexy! How are you still resisting?" Offender whined.

"Because I'm not you." Slendy replied and left with Splendor and his brothers.

Jane and Clockwork walked over.

"Woah, girl you ok?" Jane asked you.

"Yeah I'm fine. Also sorry for calling you bitches." you choke out.

"It's fine. I get it. You're not wrong that a lot of the boys here are bitches. Especially Ben and Jeff." Clockwork said.

"Watch out for them." Jane added. "You remind me of an old friend I had. Also you should call Slenderman 'Boss' cause technically he is the boss."

"Oh ok." you answer. Boss was not a name you liked to call him but you'll do what he asks.

"Ticky is nice though." Clock said.

"Ticky?" you ask.

"Ticci Toby." Jane said.

"Oh! Talking about him, here he comes now!" Clock say.

The ticking man came over greeting the girls. Masky and Hoodie were with him.

"C-Clock! J-Jane! H-How's-s it-t g-going-g?" he asks.

"We were just talking to our girl Scar here about who to avoid and who to befriend." Jane flashed a smirk.

"That ungrateful bitch? Why bother? She deserves all the trouble she gets." Masky said.

"Tim...." Hoodie warned.

"What? Oh. FINE!" Masky growled.

"FINE!" you mocked.

"Bitch!" Masky pounced. You grabbed his throat and threw him to the ground.

"Masky!" Hoodie said and went over to his masked friend.

Masky's mask fell off his face and bounced somewhere.

"Ok girl, you need to chill." Clock said.

"Sorry....." you mumbled.

"But that doesn't mean he didn't deserve it." Jane winked.

"BITCH! YOU LOST MY MASK! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!" Masky shouted. He was running towards you with full rage.

"Bring it on!" you shout waiting for him to get you. When he was 5 feet away, he jumped and tried to pounce you but tentacles grabbed him, pulling him back.

You look up to see a pale blank face. Even though he had no face, you could tell he was angry.

"SCAR. I WAS GONE FOR 10 MINUTES AND THIS HAPPENS?!? EXPLAIN PLEASE." Slendy growled his face so close to yours you could feel him breathing on you. You look at him with anger in your eyes. You roll your eyes and walk away, putting up a middle finger for them.

"Worst party ever." you mumbled.

You made it to your room, took your black jean shorts and your black shirt out of your drawer and made it to the restroom, brushed your teeth and took a shower, washed the rose scent of Offender off you, put on your clothes and walked into your room forgetting to lock the door behind you. You flopped onto your bed belly faced down. You put your head to the side and looked at the door. Man you were beat! The first day was supposed to be the best day of my life due to the party Slendy said but it was him that ruined it. You thought about why your life was so messed up and why you had to be the one to face the consequences. This was no better than before. You don't belong anywhere. You'd probably be better off dead. You start sobbing and curl yourself into a ball and close your eyes.

Creepypasta Love Stories: Slenderman x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now