Anything you could do I could do better

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Mama~ Ella Eyre


"Ugh, I can't believe this is happening."

"Oh gods, what are we going to do??"

Will and Nico were behind the Hades cabin, but not for the reasons they'd like to be.

Currently, Will was looking at Nico and Nico was looking at Will, but they were also staring at themselves. Because they were in each other's bodies. Because why not.

Nico pinched the bridge of his nose (Will's nose?), sighing, "This is ridiculous."

Will was a little more panicky than his boyfriend. "Oh my gods, how and why is this happening? We can't be stuck like this! Can we be stuck like this? Oh my gods, what if we're stuck like this???"

The boys had woken up from a nap together (a literal time of sleeping together) in the early afternoon, only to find that they weren't quite themselves. They also found a note on the nightstand that said, "Don't tell, or it'll take longer to wear off!" signed with a simple red heart. The situation was pretty straight forward, but that didn't make it any easier to handle.

"Solace, calm down. We'll be fine. This is either a prank from the Aphrodite kids or Aphrodite herself. I don't think any children of Aphrodite have ever had precise enough control of their power to extend the time of their curses, though I've also never heard of any body or mind swaps from them either..." Nico tapped his chin in thought.

"So you think this is directly from a goddess??" Will flailed his arms for emphasis. He had not been still since they woke up switched.

Nico held up his hands placatingly. "Will, I said to calm—"

"When has that ever made anyone calm??"

Nico's eyes flicked to the ground behind Will, noticing some movement. He immediately recognized the shadows reacting to Will's panic, swirling around his feet and slowly pulling upward like a barrier. Huh, so that's what that looks like, Nico thought, finally seeing what other people saw. He could admit that it was slightly terrifying.

"Okay! Okay, Will, just, breathe with me. Remember, like you taught me?" Nico drew in a deep breath, emphasizing the movement with his hands. He exhaled loudly. "In 4, hold 3, out, like, 5. Right?"

"What, no, do you even listen to me? It's in 4, hold 7, out 8. Like this," and Will proceeded to do several slow breaths. Nico was grinning even as he copied Will. He also realized how different he looks when he's not frowning while doing the exercise. He should probably pay attention to his facial expressions more.

After a few more breaths, Nico ventured, "Better?"

Will blinked a few times before letting out a chuckle. "Oh, I see what you did there. Sneaky Death Boy." He smiled at Nico, which, again, was a very different sight to Nico. Not that he didn't smile often, but for some reason, Will made his smile look brighter.

Instead of saying this, Nico replied with, "Well, actually I think you're the Death Boy now, Sunshine."

Will face palmed while Nico laughed. It was weird to hear Will's laugh ringing in his own ears, knowing that Nico himself was the one laughing. Switching bodies was a real out-of-body experience.

Nico jolted and then groaned to himself. "Will, please tell me you don't think in puns."

Will immediately straightened up and asked desperately, "What was the pun? Please tell me, I haven't thought of a single one this whole time."

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