Can't Buy Love

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Off The Wall Part 2- Pink Floyd


If you ask Nico why he's dating Will, he gets this almost dopey look on his face. His usually sharp features fall a bit soft as this smile breaks out on his face. His gaze is less focused, and his cheeks are just a touch more pink than before. He'll fiddle with a pen or the flaps of the faux pockets on his suit jacket, let out a breathy laugh.

Because Nico doesn't know why he's dating Will. Other than Will has the goofiest smile he's ever seen, the brightest hair, the more mesmerizing eyes. Will's the one who can make Nico laugh even when he's angry, the one who can make him melt after a stressful day in the office, the one who gets to see the way Nico looks after a thorough make-out session.

He's the one who can see Nico at his most vulnerable, when all of his emotions are in tips of his fingers as he glides them over Will's shoulders, or in the touch of his lips as he peck's Will's cheek, or in the affection of his voice as he tells Will to grab an umbrella.

So there's no specific reason. There are many reasons. So many reasons that all add up to one thing: Will makes Nico happy.
They met at a farmer's market. Nico's in his suit and tie, having just finished a meeting with some clients about their retirement plans. He's removed his jacket as the weather is fairly warm. Still, he's a bit overdressed for the usual farmer's market crowd. He turns heads, people whispering just a bit behind his back. He doesn't mind. He's used to it. He knows they aren't saying anything bad.

He's trying to figure out which kind of cookie he wants. (He's already skipped all of the vegetable stands. He knows sooner or later he'll have to buy some, but he's holding off as long as possible.) He's early enough that there are still plenty of choices. He's late enough that his favorite - the snickerdoodles - are already sold out. He's slightly upset, but he doesn't show that. After all, he didn't become the third most successful businessman in the area by showing off his emotions.

"Personally, sir, I'd go with the chocolate chip cookies," the man says. "My mama baked those last night, so they're the freshest."

Nico eyes the cookies again. They're the main reason he's been going to these farmer's markets every Saturday. Because he's too lazy to bake his own cookies. And it's not like the grocery store makes cookies this good. (It's definitely not because of the blond man who's at the stand every week. Definitely not because of his Southern accent or his warm blue eyes.)

"I'll take a dozen chocolate chip. Another dozen of macadamia. A dozen of oatmeal raisin." He pulls out his wallet while the man scoops up the cookies, placing them in neat rows inside of a box. (Nico's not ashamed that he's actually had to add 'cookies' to his monthly budget.)

"You know we have a store, right?" the man asks. He's smiling at Nico in a way that makes Nico's knees a bit weak. He curses internally. "I was just wondering. Since you come here every weekend, but I don't think I've ever seen you in the store."

"No. I didn't," Nico says. The man smiles, handing him a business card.

"We're open most days of the week, open weekend afternoons. So you won't have to stock up on the weekends, if you don't want to. We also have a bigger selection. More snickerdoodles. And coffees and such." He winks, and Nico almost dies right there. He can't believe the man has noticed. (Although it's not like he doesn't buy two dozen every week he can get his hands on them.)

"Thank you. I'll have to visit sometime." The man smiles.

"I'm Will Solace." He holds out his hand. Nico shakes it, surprised at how warm and soft it feels.

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