Sweet Sugar Crush

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Lewis Capaldi~ Hold Me While You Wait

This one-shot also has Ferriochase 


Of all part-time jobs, Will had taken to earn money for his college tuition, working at Mrs. Jackson-Blofis's candy shop is by far his favorite.

Not because he's got free access to tasting some of the treats, it was just an added bonus really or because Sally is a really nice lady to work with or that he actually get along with his coworker, a guy named Magnus who maybe in in equal parts interested in the medical field as him,

But because, almost every day, half an hour later during his shift, the exact same person would enter the shops sporting his usual attire of almost everything black and his eyes so chocolate brown, it's easy to get lost staring at it. He would get a different treat every day, always trying everything that's new or special on the racks but at the same time, he'd always have those black licorice sticks Will was never really been a fun of.

And Will Solace had a huge crush on him.

Too bad, he doesn't even know his name.

"Thanks for coming, Nico. Be back again, next time" Magnus waved the teen of having had to serve him instead of Will who had to get something from the storage room. Will, who just on time emerged from the room managed to catch the last part of the two's conversations, though.

Will looked at Magnus with looks of utter betrayal.

"So you knew his name all this time?" He asked accusingly "And yet, you never bothered telling me"

Magnus grinned sheepishly "Oh come on, where's the fun in not finding it out on your own?'

"I hate you"

"No, you don't. You can't hate anyone"

"I so can"

"Keep lying to yourself, Will" Magnus snickered as the door opened and a teen with striking green haired entered. And poor Magnus, who never would have anticipated for this day to ever happen, fell dead on his tracks.

Nah, probably worst, he just so happened to have found a crush.

Will, never would have thought that the day would come and it'll be Magnus who would actually look like a lovesick puppy.

"He's coming! quick, Will, how do I look?" Magnus straightened his uniform and wiped his face to make sure he's not sweaty or anything.

"Like usual" Will answered all amused. Who would have guessed that the teen from three days ago would be the other's type?

"I can't be just looking like the usual, I need to be more presentable" Will rolled his eyes at the other's antics. It's so unlike the boy to act that way but who is he to judged? He's a mess himself to whenever Nico's around.

"Fix your shirt and put on some chapstick"

"Hey, Will if none of us ever get to ask our crushes out, do you want to go to a restaurant on Valentine's day with me and get the couple's discount?"

"No. Sorry, man but I won't date you"

"It's pretend dating"

Will did and eye roll "Imagine you and me, dating, even if it's just pretend"

"...yeah, terrible idea" Magnus actually cringed

"Welcome to Sally's Sugarland! What would you like for today?" Will had put out a few extra watts of smile just because it was his favorite person on the counter.

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