Big Bros Help

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  Days followed nights, nights followed days. Everyone was happy that Fresh was getting better. He was practicing walking everyday, and it looked like it was getting easier every day. He wasn't able to walk all by himself, though.

  Five days were passed and Fresh had a huge improvement. Not on his height, though. He was still the shortest. If he wasn't in this situation, he would have been taller than Error. Right now, Geno was the taller. Then came Error and lastly Fresh.

  It was just another rainy day. Error and Geno were at the hospital to see their little brother. Fresh wasn't sleeping as much nowadays. They were having more time to talk.

  Geno was asking how Fresh was doing all the time that day. Fresh was always answering the same 'I'm okay' answer over and over again. The oldest brothers had planned a brotherly bonding time. They were going to help Fresh walk today. So they needed to know if Fresh was okay.

  Once Geno was finally convinced that Fresh was fine, he nodded and sighed in relief, looking at Error. He were now determined, now since he knew that Fresh was alright.

  It was just lunchtime, though a painkiller was given to Fresh instead of some real food. He was getting sleepy. But of he slept, he would be asleep until midnight and wouldn't be able to talk to his brothers. Fresh had never liked hospitals, anyway.

  "Hey, Fresh? Will you practice now?" Geno asked with a gentle smile while holding Fresh's hand. Fresh smiled and nodded.

  "Was hopin' I could practice earlier but... Eh."

  Fresh sat up with Geno's little help. Errot was right near the bed and was watching the two. He looked happy. Ot was from his rare times. He helped Fresh, too - as much as he could, anyway.

  Both Geno and Error were responsible when it came to Fresh now. So they told the little surprise to their mother and Uncke Asy first to get their permission. They were pretty happy when they were given permission.

  "Uh... Where's Ma?" Fresh said. All this time, it was his mother who helped him, after all. Error and Geno looked at Fresh in a determined way.

  "Møm's nøt hêrě."

  "We are gonna help you!"

  Fresh raised one of his eyebrows. They were going to help him? They never tried this before. Wouldn't it be hard for them?

  "Guess it would be kinda hard for ya, m'brahs. Thanks, anyway! Now, where's Ma?" Fresh said as he looked around the room to see a clue in where Crayon and Asy could have gone. Error put his hand Fresh's shoulder, making him look at him.

  "C'møņ, Fřešh! Wé aře ýøur brøthêřs. Nø mațtêř høw hãrđ iț iś, wë'łł hêłp ýa. Płuš, řemêmbêr whãț thë nûrše sāiđ abøuț ûs?"

  "'Try to get along with your brothers.', a'guess? I dun't really remember..."

  "Well, I don't thing that's how she said that, but the meaning is the same!" Geno said, smiling and chuckling, making Error crack a better smile and Fresh, well, he was just himself.

  "'K. Help me, then, if dat's wat'cha want ta do."

  Error and Geno looked at each other in the eye sockets and smiled. They both quickly ran to the sides of Fresh. They side-hugged their little brother and lifted him up slightly. As always, he was the lightest of them all due to his energy. But he was light right now because of eating less. Fresh grunted slightly as he was lifted. Their position was making Fresh's ribs strech. It hurt Fresh. But as always, he could manage it.

  Error and Geno gazed at Fresh worriedly. They stopped for a moment to check how Fresh was. He was clearly hurt. They could understand it by hearing his grunts and looking at his expressions.

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