Traitor pt. 2

339 5 15

Inspired by Pennypez454 and/or NightLovesGoose_

I will at least have a someone to help me and, protect me.

I walked untill I was in front of the door, him in front of me, having a warm and welcoming smile, I was nervous don't get me wrong, but I also felt kinda safe, the place itself gave a warm, comfortable feeling, also even being friends with them might be even more better than anything.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go inside or we will be freezing!" the guy in front of me asks. I instantly nodded and smiled, letting him go first, me going in after, also closing the door behind us.

Inside looked more bigger then outside, in front of us was a living room, a TV on one side and the couch on the other, having a xbox on the ground, three controllers plugged into it, on the wall in front of me, where three doors, one for the kitchen, the other for the bathroom and the last probably is wheir bedroom that I saw through the window.
"welcome to our cottage! Oh yea! I forgot, my name is josh, but you can call slogo." the ma- Josh said to me, offering his hand for me to shake, I shoke his hand and said" crainer".

"Well crainer, welcome to the team! Let me show you around before you meet the others " Josh said, making a sign to follow him, so I did.

We first went to the left door, open it and showing a little kitchen, a frige to the left and next to it a sink, on the right was an oven and a two counters, the farthest had a microwave on it, and on top of them were shelfs, probably kepping there the ingredients and bread as well.
"So this is the kitchen, we're we, of course, eat and stuff" slogo said.

"let's go to the other rooms then sleep, and tomorrow we will go get Clothes"


333 words

I did this quickly since I needed to post, and did it short cuz I'm at my cousin mother's birthday and also have like 16% so ✌️.

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